So the fact that Vista makes it such a pain in the ass is what makes it worse than Mac?
Yes, because it masks itself as developer-friendly and ends up sticking a ten-foot pole in your ass when it actually comes down to the code. At least Mac is open about being a [sonic slicer] for developers.
FFFFF. After reading that, I wish if XP Media Center Edition was 64bit friendly.
There IS a 64-bit edition of Media Center. It's just a tad more expensive than the 32-bit edition, which is why most manufacturers prefer to load the 32-bit version on 64-bit machines in most cases.
In my own defence of my horrible grammer(i think) I use Internet Explorer and i type really fast. I also inconsistently capitalize every "I" i type out of lazyness.
Lame excuse. I type at around 68 words per minute and while I do make mistakes, I take the time to GO BACK AND CORRECT THEM. Also, dump IE unless you want to get flooded by viruses, malware and [parasitic bomb].
And Windows XP pwns Vista because i've never USED Vista due to my dad not letting me use his Vista-equiped laptop sence he's paranoid it'll get some kind of super-virus that will make it explode if i so much as glance at the screen, though he says that Vista hasn't been retarded to him yet.
Lame reason. Unless you've used a tool, you have absolutely no moral right to claim it's a piece of [parasitic bomb]. My father owns a laptop preloaded with Vista, bought about six months ago, and I've had to give tech support for Vista machines.
I, having dealt with this, can safely say Vista is a piece of [parasitic bomb], having used XP for nearly, what, seven years or so?
And now back to our regularly scheduled forum talk about the RPM map.