My Wii is being an [dark hold]: Brawl Hacks in Riivolution crashing the game.

Started by Police Girl, February 13, 2012, 11:50:08 AM

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Police Girl

So this is a new thing, I was trying to play brawl to test out some new Texture hacks and Music I got. So I boot up Riivolution and load the game with file replacements (Noted by the lovely buzzsaw noise coming from the disk drive being worn out), and as soon as the game loads, nothing, just an occasional blue light flicker from the Disk Drive (Which I found annoying that whenever I used custom music the drive started rocking out), so I reset it and try again, nothing.
I go in and delete a few pointless things (Strap Menu, Controller Page, etc.) and try again, the game loads the strap menu and appears to load, as soon as it would load the Title/Opening video, nothing, just black.

This has never happened before, I'm positive it's not the files that are messed up so I don't know why my Wii is suddenly refusing to use the modified files and opting to just blackout like that? It's not like there have been any updates in ages.


Could be a hardware fault, maybe?  If the disc drive sounds like a buzzsaw, that miiiiight possibly be related.
The Other Side #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

Police Girl

Quote from: Kieran on February 13, 2012, 08:30:32 PM
Could be a hardware fault, maybe?  If the disc drive sounds like a buzzsaw, that miiiiight possibly be related.

Its been doing that since two years ago when I got Sonic Colors.

Brawl loads fine normally, so I don't know what's going on.


Mine does the buzz-saw thing too.  Seemingly a symptom of an aging launch Wii, I guess...  *shrugs*

The only thing that comes to mind is the two general maintenance tips I offered in the "discs cannot be read" thread.  There was a time when my Wii was far more temperamental than it is today; stuff really does help.

Some hacks do come with memory issues which can cause lock-ups in mid-game.  Happens with me when I run certain WiiRD codes in Brawl.  I'd be very surprised to see that happen with file replacements, though.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Police Girl

Alrighty, I'll probably try to get a cleaning kit, see if that makes things better.

Police Girl

So I found out the problem.

There was a small bit of tape on one of the connectors on the SD card, I remove it and the game works fine now.

for some reason the character select screen is [tornado fang]'d up, but that doesn't really detract from gameplay so [tornado fang] it.