Inafune Talks Mega Man Revival and New Strider?: Raise the Rumor Shields Up

Started by Protoman Blues, December 20, 2008, 04:40:41 AM

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Protoman Blues

Inafune Talks Mega Man Revival

According to this interview over at 1UP, provided by user Kyouya Garyuu, our dear lord and master of Mega Man, the Inafking himself, says that a MegaMan 10 and 11 are both a possibility in the future. 

Quote1UP: If the game is successful and you go on to make, say, Mega Man 10, what would you do to keep the game from being a rehash of previous Mega Man games?

KI: This title has been revived based on our users' feedback. They indicated that they wanted to see it again, so if we can continue to find ways to involve users and use their feedback to evolve the game, I think we can go on to continue to make MM10, MM11, and so on. The main point is how and if we can continue to incorporate user feedback into the creation of the game.

I bolded the part I found very interesting.  Recently it was discussed that a new issue of Coro Coro was talking about a Boss Design contest of some sorts, if I'm not mistaken.  Could this be the signs of a Boss Design contests of old, in which we the user get back to our fanboyish and fangirlish roots and start designing Robot Masters again? 

Either though my Rumor Shields are up to Max, I gotta say this Photon Torpedo of information has them weakening like the shameless Classic MM fanboy that I am.  Could MM10 & MM11 be a possibility?  Will we see more Playable Blues or even Playable Roll?  Perhaps the long overdue return of Tango?

LoL, who knows.  Also, the article goes onto discuss more interesting bits of Capcom news which you may or may not find interesting.  Enjoy, fellow shameless MM fans.

Thanx to Kyouya Garyuu for the PM, 1UP for the interview, and the Inafking for...well MegaMan in general!   8)


Well, consider me intrigued even with the rumor shield up. Life needs more Megaman jumpan and shootan after all. XD

Protoman Blues

I mean, I'm not sure how well MM9 did sales wise.  I'd like to think that it had pretty decent sales all around, and would warrant a MM10 & MM11.

Klavier Gavin

All I have to say is: [tornado fang] YEAH! POSSIBLE STRIDER!!!!!


Hooo, interesting rumors there, I will just wait and see.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 20, 2008, 04:44:08 AM
I mean, I'm not sure how well MM9 did sales wise.  I'd like to think that it had pretty decent sales all around, and would warrant a MM10 & MM11.

Come to think of it, I should really search around for total sales and Capcom's reception of said sales for MM9. Maybe that's another piece to this puzzle.

Protoman Blues

Quote1UP: So, we've all heard about how the Bionic Commando revival began because some intrepid game journalist had the game's title written on his business card. With that in mind, I'd like to present to you this business card bearing the likeness of long-lost Capcom favorite, Strider.

KI: [Laughs] Capcom has a lot of good characters, both past and present, and I have a strong interest in bringing some of the past characters back. When you're in Japan you don't really think about the popularity and interest in Strider or Street Fighter characters, and so we've kept them on hold. But since making the HD remix of Street Fighter II and Street Fighter IV, there's a possibility that we could make another Strider game. It's one of the franchises that I have an interest in reviving, so I think there's a real possibility that we will make another Strider game.

As KG said, [tornado fang] YEAH!


Wait, WAT. Why isn't this in the first post dammit? Well, off to read the article fo' reals now. XD

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Jericho on December 20, 2008, 04:48:10 AM
Wait, WAT. Why isn't this in the first post dammit? Well, off to read the article fo' reals now. XD

LoL, because I thought you'd actually read the Article!


Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 20, 2008, 04:44:08 AM
I mean, I'm not sure how well MM9 did sales wise.  I'd like to think that it had pretty decent sales all around, and would warrant a MM10 & MM11.

Seeing how it was in the top 5 of the Wiiware sales charts a lot, I'd say it did pretty well.

Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 20, 2008, 04:46:53 AM
As KG said, [tornado fang] YEAH!
Add another [tornado fang] YEAH!

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


Protoman Blues

Quote from: Taiyo on December 20, 2008, 04:50:36 AM
Seeing how it was in the top 5 of the Wiiware sales charts a lot, I'd say it did pretty well.

Well that's Good then!

LoL, I think we all know what comes next then...



Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Well, now that I've digested the full article, all I have to say about anything else is that Capcom seems really anal about the Clover Studios properties, don't they?

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Jericho on December 20, 2008, 04:55:28 AM
Well, now that I've digested the full article, all I have to say about anything else is that Capcom seems really anal about the Clover Studios properties, don't they?

Indeed.  Tis a damn shame about that, I must say.


Yeah, especially regarding poor Viewtiful Joe. :'(

Meanwhile, you folk better keep supporting Megaman so I can get my Legends 3 before death. XD

Shinichameleon / Nayim

I wish Dr.Wily create female robot masters, that would be awesome 8D



Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II

Awesome rumours are awesome, even if they are rumours...
And with user feedback to influence...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Not very interesting interview besides the Dead Rising 2 comments, is very obious that the rumors are true.


Quote1UP: Regarding the former Clover Studio's properties -- Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, Okami -- what will you do with them?

KI: At this time, we have no plans of making sequels to any of those properties. I can't say we won't, for certain, but it's not very likely or appealing. If we had no other properties to depend on for making new games, we might be desperate enough to create sequels to those titles, but that's not the case. We have a lot of titles that we want to make and other sequels that are waiting to be made. So, there's no interest at the moment.

1UP: But Capcom owns the rights to Clover Studios' intellectual properties, right?

KI: Yes. But, we're just not interested in them.

I don't like this, at all.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


A possible Strider sequel/follow-up was also brought up in a past EGM issue too, so that's at least two sources that are starting to possibly give "wink winks" in that direction.

Any way, I can't imagine them NOT doing Rockman 10 and 11 eventually. I mean, regardless of how many units it sold exactly, I remember hearing things about how 9 did quite well, especially on the Wii (further cementing the notion that Nintendo is the place for the blue bomber, it seems). And more importantly, the games CAN'T cost that much to make, as they're relatively low-budget expenditures that could feasibly be banged out in a couple of months, if they have to.

Frankly, what would be the most "risky" and high-budget thing that Inafking could do with Rockman, currently, would be to FINALLY give us DASH 3. I'd like to think with how positively received Trigger's been in the last few years thanks to cameos, maybe he, like OG Rock before him, may be in line for a dramatic come-back.

In any case, I look forward to seeing what the February edition of Nintendo Dream has to report on its "new and exciting" Rockman update.

Quote from: Taiyo on December 20, 2008, 07:39:06 AM
I don't like this, at all.

It's sad, but really, what can you expect otherwise?

Most, if not all of the development team behind these games are either a) with Inaba and crew over at Platinum Games or b) scattered all over Capcom's own brass, probably doing other things. In either case, being able to do sequels to ANY of these games would likely require the presence and interest of at least some of the people who worked on such games.

The best that we can hope for, is that maybe some ambitious/new director wants to do something with these Clover properties for themselves, and then it could just be a matter of getting the right people, possibly with the help of some code monkeys like Dimps or 8ing, to make it happen. some one said over a Capcom-unity, Joe may end up being on his "vacation" for a while longer, yet.


I think, it will be great if we can have a high poly/3D/Reality-Looking Rockman DASH game in our hands.