Game franchises do not carry the same level of redundancy as movie franchises. A movie exists solely to tell a story, all other aspects a means to that end. You finish a story, all is finished unless led to believe otherwise. Not so with games. Games are about interaction, and interaction, unlike story-telling, inherently begs the question of what can be done better. Further, a franchise does not necessarily dictate the type of interaction. Games like Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Kirby: Mass Attack are sequels, but as games, they are anything but unoriginal.
It's not as if Nintendo doesn't work with new franchises, either. Between the DS and Wii, they've published Endless Ocean, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Pandora's Tower, Another Code, Hotel Dusk, Nintendogs, Brain Age, The Last Story, Xenoblade, A Kappa's Trail, Wii Sports, and Steel Diver. But in terms of public perception, all of that is going up against arguably the most powerful and memorable back catalog in the industry.
Back to topic, Protodude's Rockman Corner posted some
more recent comments from Inafune about Legends 3.
It's mostly confirming what we could have guessed: That Inafune was literally fighting against Capcom to get the game started, that he knows the development staff was passionate, that he was hoping they could keep fighting without him, but that he's not sure that anyone has the nerve to stand up and be the point-man."
Basically the "father of MegaMan (guy who made the pre-existing NES sprites into character art)" is saying that the franchise needs a new figurehead. Here's hoping.