I chose X4, mainly due to Frost Walrus stage music. It has always been stuck in my mind, no matter what I'm doing.
After that, I choose X7, the music is awesome, one of the main reasons why I play it anymore.
But, Frost Walrus themes aren't boss music, now are they
(They are awesome nonetheless.)
Anyways, this choice would have been easier if it were just about the regular battle music, but whatever, X5 Irregular hunt, paired with the remixes of Wily Battle, Fortress Battle (X1) and Sigma's Final battle is unequaled.
X1 is second best, seeing how those battles are all good, I've recently been listening alot to the Fortress Battle, it has that sweet insane charm. X4 is third, seeing as it has the darkest and most evil sigma battles, not to mention the emotional Iris theme and scrambled Double theme, that one's deliciously nuts.
X3 is probably my least favorite in terms of boss battle themes, I only enjoy Doppler Battle SFC version and Final Battle PSX version...I actually put IHX above it, despite it's raping of the Boss, Fortress and Sigma 1 battles...that Sigma battle 2 is just so deliciously divine.