Okay, on MM10's Easy Mode, it is pitifully easy, yes. At the same time, if you like helmetless Rock or ProtoMan, it's a nice way to dodge being punished. Really hate this double-damage crap. But yeah, Easy Mode is a bit of an opposite extreme.
Also, "slip of the finger" is not the only way to die. You may also die if, accustomed to Normal's disappearing block patterns, you take the lower route of Sheep Man's stage and an Easy-specific block appears DIRECTLY OVER YOUR HEAD as you attempt to make the jump.
Easy Mode mockery is fun. I laugh at myself as much as I laugh at others. Hey, we can't all be good at every game. Japanese bunny girls laugh at my weakness in traditional fighters, won't stop me from ripping your ass apart in Smash.
That said, there is a certain mentality shift that's gone on since the onset of the internet. Contra 4 really opened my eyes to this, compare it to the original. It USED to be some cheat for a zillion lives made you feel special for knowing how to access secret stuff. It could even be considered a standard part of the "core" gamer's lives, and whether you needed it or not, it took the pressure off. Now, you need HELP? You can't just no-damage clear it all? Then you must suck, and must be punished with an incomplete game.
Normal is the only mode to start on... unless you're five years old. Otherwise, the A.I. is set to a level that's just standing around with maybe a rare attack here or there, or some other idiotic changes.
NOBODY is to make that statement until they have cleared Powered Up!'s Copy Robot stage as Roll.
And remember, this is "Mr. Cleared Gate's Lab Unarmored On Xtreme Mode Just To Smite The Ignorant Masses" talking.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)