The End Has Come...

Started by Rin, December 13, 2010, 08:11:23 PM

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... and I'm not sure if I feel fine.


>The most immediate and direct effect of the law will almost certainly be to see ecchi manga such as To Love-Ru, bishoujo titles such as Champion Red and most BL manga, as well as any seinen manga with especially mature themes, banned from general sales – presumably most will then be cancelled due to a lack of suitable magazine or tankobon distribution channels

>The law probably also spells the end of most late night anime in Tokyo (and by extension, everywhere else), which it would appear to ban under its distribution clause; given the vague wording of the current season alone it seems Ore no Imouto, Panty & Stocking, Yosuga, Sora no Otoshimono, Milky Holmes and others would all fall foul of its various stipulations

>There is also some doubt as to whether Comiket will be able to be held under the new regulations



The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Blackhook on December 13, 2010, 08:16:19 PMWhat, what what what?

Short version: lots of anime and manga getting banned (or at the very least retooled).

Also, the guy behind this banning (or one of the guys) is a homophobe, and apparently a xenophobe as well. I want to smash his face off SO HARD.

...I take back what I said in the oekaki. 2011 is going to suck, and not just because of this ban--because such a thing was able to get passed, anywhere, in the first place.

Dexter Dexter

..................I think hell just froze over.


Quote from: The Great Gonzo on December 13, 2010, 08:28:02 PM
Short version: lots of anime and manga getting banned (or at the very least retooled).

Also, the guy behind this banning (or one of the guys) is a homophobe, and apparently a xenophobe as well. I want to smash his face off SO HARD.

...I take back what I said in the oekaki. 2011 is going to suck, and not just because of this ban--because such a thing was able to get passed, anywhere, in the first place.
I figured that..I was just stating my disbelief. Seriously, how did this get passed?

The Great Gonzo

Looking back over that, this banning seems to apply only to Tokyo residents. Doesn't make things any better.

Quote from: Blackhook on December 13, 2010, 08:41:18 PMI figured that..I was just stating my disbelief. Seriously, how did this get passed?

All thanks to some shitfuck who doesn't realize that gays AREN'T "defective and pitiful".

Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on December 13, 2010, 08:42:23 PMAll thanks to some shitfuck who doesn't realize that gays AREN'T "defective and pitiful".
This is a Jap that did this?

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.


The backbone of the industry, wiped away just like that!


Technically, it's law yet. The actual vote occurs on Wednesday. And it won't go into effect right away. So there's still time to fight it.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Police Girl

How do you know it won't go into effect yet? And, seeing as its on wednesday, they're doing the voting NOW, or have already done it.


I think somewhere in there it said something about not starting till July 2011

The Great Gonzo

Enough time for every title that'll be canned because of this to go out with a bang, I guess.

ST Jestah

< My thoughts on the matter.


Legends 3... Starcraft 2... DN Forever...

And now Moonspeak land actually making anti-otaku manga and anime restriction laws?

Only 2 more seals left...
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


It seems that there is worry that Comiket might have to be cancelled or something due to these insane restrictions.

Looks like evn the Prime minister wants the matter resolved. he said this in his blog. (courtesy ANN)
Quotehere is another topic I would like to talk about concerning [the strength of] the Japanese brand. Currently, there are concerns over the possibility that the Tokyo International Animation Fair could be cancelled due to controversies related to the healthy development of youth issues. Healthy development of youth is an important issue. At the same time, it is important that Japanese animation is broadcast to a global audience. I urge all parties involved to try to work toward preventing a situation where an international animation fair cannot be held within Tokyo.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


QuoteAt the same time, it is important that Japanese animation is broadcast to a global audience.

*ahem* I guess the guy hasn't heard of US restrictions to make american animation "globally fun to watch". Instead we ended up getting pretty stupid and repetitive shows from elsewhere because of this (I know there are fun shows in nations that was lost in transilation other than japan, but 'cmon!).

This is starting to sound like the Inufaune Issue, where he was dissapointed at the Japanese X Industry and "needs fixing".

But once again, it might be too late for that now.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


Quote from: Kallen Kozuki on December 13, 2010, 10:36:10 PM
How do you know it won't go into effect yet? And, seeing as its on wednesday, they're doing the voting NOW, or have already done it.

Japan may be on the future, but they're not THAT far, it's Tuesday at most there.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Girla PurpleHeart

I really do hope the Prime minister needs to veto this bill so this drama will end. I'm glad that he's against this.

GP Aznable

Let's just wait and see IF that crappy law is on effect....

I'm sure that there will be a serious rage from otakus, WILL BE.
Eat, or be eaten...


Huh. Well then... I guess I'm not upset about some of this, given I don't care for BL or Panty&Stocking but... I never care for censorship, so eh.

Didn't think Japan was out of their mind though. I expect hypocrisy at its finest from America. Japan? Not so much.

Eh, long story short, I don't care for this. I don't see this effecting me in the long run either.


Quote from: Behind the Fence on December 14, 2010, 07:29:40 AM
Didn't think Japan was out of their mind though.

Well, major players of Japan have been going nuts recently trying to appease the western market, there's no suprise there.

What I am gonna expect though if it DOES pass, I might see more non-jap cartoons being imported from other regions such as El Tigre and Misadventures of Flap Jack being aired in major TV stations such as TV Tokyo. Of course it won't affect mainstays for both american and jap regions such as Pokemon though, as it basically follows thwarting the bad guy routine.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


Quote from: Gaia on December 14, 2010, 10:19:03 PM
Well, major players of Japan have been going nuts recently trying to appease the western market, there's no suprise there.

What I am gonna expect though if it DOES pass, I might see more non-jap cartoons being imported from other regions such as El Tigre and Misadventures of Flap Jack being aired in major TV stations such as TV Tokyo. Of course it won't affect mainstays for both american and jap regions such as Pokemon though, as it basically follows thwarting the bad guy routine.

Sucks for them. They shouldn't take our bullshit Cartoon shows. Our kids have enough ADD crap flowing into their brains that it is rather depressing... and why the hell would anyone want to appeal to America? We're starting to end up poor as [tornado fang] and pretending we have money, then pretending we don't have money, then pretending we do have money. We have the dumbest education system this side of the hemisphere, to the point that people who DON'T have an education can end up smarter than the people in college still for their third year. (I can't begin to describe instances where I've outsmarted people twice my age and many times "smarter" than I am)

But before I step on someone's shoes and [acid burst] on someone's favorite team, if I haven't already, and cause them to [acid burst] on my [acid burst] and cause a famous RPM pissing contest... I'll just walk away with this.

I've known about this "issue" for a long time, as many of my posts here and there have stated over the years. Japan needs to stay Japan. Japan is fine being Japan. America needs to shape up and be less "identity crisis" since we really have nothing to call our own. Unless we call everything we've taken from others our own. I dunno. Either way. A lot of ghey [parasitic bomb].


We have [The Goddamned] Batman...! That's got to count for something!

Also, much agreed on the Education system. Fortunately, due to RPM rules, I cant quite continue that thought with my own opinions. Which is for the best, since when I spiral into those thoughts, I just feel like drinking because it's just so sad and depressing. And political. God I hate politics... They make me want to drink too...
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Girla PurpleHeart

I don't like politics either. If it comes to blocking downloading sites in America, they always rejected it. If it comes to for banning "vitural crime" of Anime in Tokyo, it may get reject. And as for American cartoons shipping to Japan, it's pretty hard to find DVDs on them, since some shows, such as Family Guy, hasn't been air in Japanese Televisions.


Quote from: Kallen Kozuki on December 13, 2010, 10:36:10 PM
How do you know it won't go into effect yet? And, seeing as its on wednesday, they're doing the voting NOW, or have already done it.

Cause I can predict the future.

Seriously speaking, laws don't go into effect right away. There's grace periods. And in this case, none of the bill goes into effect until April, and even then, that's only part of it. Only the regulation parts of the bill go into effect then. The actual restrictions go into effect in July. So there is time still to fight the decision.

Oh, and Jacksonville wins the Super Bowl in overtime.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.