Consider if you will that in the first event Japan outnumbered us WELL over 3 to 1 (and Aero/Sephira was already #2 in the U.S.). That they win a future pool isn't rigged, it's law of probability. If you don't like it, start pestering your friends to participate in the Dev Room.
In all honesty I'd have written off 3 of the U.S.'s top 5 right away, so that Japan won this one doesn't surprise me. All the same, though, I would NOT have picked the electric Sharkticon as their best work.
(Great, now we NEED a Grimlock in this game...)
Glad to see Seeteufel got the runner-up, at least.
BTW, techno-junkies may be interested to know: Eguchi confirmed that L3 is using some version of MT Framework.
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