Xnamkcor's Megaman X Challenges

Started by xnamkcor, September 07, 2010, 05:36:45 PM

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Double Time:
Play at 120 FPS

Get no Upgrades
Freeze RAM for armor upgrades to 0 to nullify Dash Upgrade and Zero Buster Get.

Getting Nothing Fast:
Double Time & You Get NOTHING

Find a way to disable wall sliding.
Find a way to disable pellet shots and Green Shots
Find a way to let X wear the breastplate with no upgrade effect
Find a way to add Marioesque momentum


....How about getting the upgrades and not using them?



I´ve meant Buster and dash...the two ones you must get


How do you not use the buster upgrade? You would have to have really good timing or not charge at all. In any case, it's easier just to RAM hack it and focus on speed than to remember not to command dash or charge too long.


...how about not charging at all? Well, I don´t care about challenges anyway :D


Blackhook's MMX Challenge:
Get only Buster and Dash Upgrades
Don't Charge
Don't Dash
Don't Care About Challenges
Post in Challenge Mode Board



You can use a password to get by Chill Penguins stage without the dash boots. But the weapon upgrade is given to you at Sigma Stage 1, if you don't already have it from Flame Mammoth. So the only way to not get it is to hack.

Doing a minimalist challenge is impossible when you're fighting Sigma's last form. But you're limiting yourself to no wall slide, modifying your buster, and playing at 120 FPS?

You're insane.

BTW, good luck trying to get up the walls after you beat vile w/o the dash boots. Especially if you're going to not use wall slide. Not even sure if you can wall jump without sliding.


Quote from: Hiryu on September 08, 2010, 05:58:11 AM
You can use a password to get by Chill Penguins stage without the dash boots. But the weapon upgrade is given to you at Sigma Stage 1, if you don't already have it from Flame Mammoth. So the only way to not get it is to hack.

Doing a minimalist challenge is impossible when you're fighting Sigma's last form. But you're limiting yourself to no wall slide, modifying your buster, and playing at 120 FPS?

You're insane.

BTW, good luck trying to get up the walls after you beat vile w/o the dash boots. Especially if you're going to not use wall slide. Not even sure if you can wall jump without sliding.

The no wallslide thing was a TODO, not part of the challenge.
I've beaten the game normal speed with no dash or Buster Upgrade all the way through to the end. It's annoying, but possible.

I'm currently on Sigma with Hadouken at 120fps. I can beat his dog and his first form with hadouken, but I need to work on his final form.
On a technical note, yes, you can wall jump without sliding.


PS: Removing Wallslide was on my TODO so I could setup a scenerio where the game would simply disallow sliding, while still allowing Jumping.

