VC's Artwork and Fanart Thread

Started by VirusChris, November 08, 2008, 04:29:07 PM

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Interesting... I'll try!

Also I'm not re-drawing the entire drawing, just certain parts of it. I've notice artists, especially in Speed Paint videos on YouTube, quickly touch up or fix one area of the drawing to improve it and such.

And the thighs are still SHORT? I'm not really understanding that... but I'll extend the shorts again since it's suppose to be covering half of his knees or all of it. I'm going to need to look at my Anatomy and How to Draw Manga books again.

Well thank you for the advice Quickman, and KoiDrake, you've been a great help to help improve my drawing skills! I'll keep at it until my drawing is perfect to the way I want him to be!

Posted on: May 11, 2012, 03:51:11 PM

Here's the next update of my drawing with a few changes to it!

I manage to add in the socks finally for him, however I couldn't find any good reference online for socks (I even typed in How to Draw socks and it didn't really give me what I want) so I used Sonic's socks as it was the closest I wanted for my dude's socks.

I also touched up on his shorts and shirt a bit, along with the necklace, as well as fix up his leg a bit with the shorts extended now.

I used this picture as reference to help with the legs to make them a tad bit thinner:

How is it now? Any problems with it? I like to make sure he is absolutely at his best before I digitally ink and color him.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


The thighs are still too short.  From what I can tell, nothing has been changed, only slight detailing on the knee.  All you're doing, from what I can tell, is shortening the lower legs, which just makes him shorter.  Leave the lower legs alone, they are fine.  Extend the thighs.  Don't touch anything else, lengthen those thighs.  Extend the legs beyond the bottom hem of the shorts, show his knees and a couple inches of thigh.  That, just that will solve the problem.


Quote from: Quickman on May 12, 2012, 03:18:48 AM
The thighs are still too short.  From what I can tell, nothing has been changed, only slight detailing on the knee.  All you're doing, from what I can tell, is shortening the lower legs, which just makes him shorter.  Leave the lower legs alone, they are fine.  Extend the thighs.  Don't touch anything else, lengthen those thighs.  Extend the legs beyond the bottom hem of the shorts, show his knees and a couple inches of thigh.  That, just that will solve the problem.

The thighs still too short? Aren't the thighs slightly longer than the shins or the lower half of the leg?
How do I extended thighs? Just lower his legs a bit more and draw the rest of the missing lines?

Plus I've stated that the shorts will cover his knees, or half of it, but I'm going with his shorts covering his knees. It's the clothing he wears.


"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Getting there.  Lengthen the shorts by bringing the hips and crotch down.  Feel free to show the waistband of the shorts.  Extend the legs of the shorts just slightly.  Lengthen the lower legs just slightly, but not as much as the shorts.  That should make him about 6 1/2-7 heads high, as he is currently 5 1/2 heads high.  The average person is about 7 heads high.  Manga and anime range from 6 1/2 for short characters to 9 heads high, but most character average at 7 heads high.

What I can tell from the references you shared is that you're piecing him together from different pictures.  You're taking elements of one image and adding them to another image, with elements from other images.  Like putting together a puzzle.  The human body doesn't work this way.  There is nothing wrong with referencing to other pictures, but piecing the image from parts of other is better for photomanipulations, not for drawing people.  Use the references as references.  Refer to them.

Actually, could you do me a favor?  Before making any more changes to this image, open a blank document and draw the pose.  Nothing else, just the pose.  I wanna get a feel for what you're trying to do without the details.  Once that pose is drawn, we'll finalize it and go from there.


Quote from: Quickman on May 12, 2012, 04:07:23 AM
Getting there.  Lengthen the shorts by bringing the hips and crotch down.  Feel free to show the waistband of the shorts.  Extend the legs of the shorts just slightly.  Lengthen the lower legs just slightly, but not as much as the shorts.  That should make him about 6 1/2-7 heads high, as he is currently 5 1/2 heads high.  The average person is about 7 heads high.  Manga and anime range from 6 1/2 for short characters to 9 heads high, but most character average at 7 heads high.

Really? He's 5 1/2 heads high? Then again it would be hard to add him into a video game with 640 x 1280 screen size with what I got.

Quote from: Quickman on May 12, 2012, 04:07:23 AM
What I can tell from the references you shared is that you're piecing him together from different pictures.  You're taking elements of one image and adding them to another image, with elements from other images.  Like putting together a puzzle.  The human body doesn't work this way.  There is nothing wrong with referencing to other pictures, but piecing the image from parts of other is better for photomanipulations, not for drawing people.  Use the references as references.  Refer to them.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what? I'm not TAKING elements from the drawing and adding them onto my character, the shorts I admit were about the only thing I've taken and added onto him as those are the types of shorts I want for him, however I used the reference to get the length of his arms and legs. I never took their poses and figures and added onto him, I looked at my own body and my own attire of clothing to put the hand on his hip and the hoodie and sneakers.

I didn't piece different images and put it onto him, I simply used another images to draw how clothing and the length of their arms and legs are and sharpen up my character to have the same length in arms and legs as well as fitting the article of clothing onto as I how imagined him.

OK, maybe I worded that wrong.

Quote from: Quickman on May 12, 2012, 04:07:23 AM
Actually, could you do me a favor?  Before making any more changes to this image, open a blank document and draw the pose.  Nothing else, just the pose.  I wanna get a feel for what you're trying to do without the details.  Once that pose is drawn, we'll finalize it and go from there.

Well I guess I could, give me a few.

Posted on: May 12, 2012, 02:19:38 AM
Here's the pose you requested.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


In regards to the previous thing I said about piecing together the pose from other images, I didn't mean quite literally that you were copy/pasting parts together.  I can tell that you're actually drawing them.  It just seems like you are drawing pieces from other references.  Like the shorts, for example.  But, that's beside the point, let's move on...

The pose.

His legs, though the right proportion, are too short.  They can be lengthened.  Double the length of the calf.  Then, move the knee down to about a quarter toward the middle of the calf.  That should help with the legs. 

Rock the weight onto the supporting leg and extend the heel out so that the knee is locked.  This will cant the pelvis upward on the left (your right) side, but just slightly.  I stood in this pose and it feels a bit awkward, and my left knee wants to bend to better take the weight.  Is there someone around who could model for you?  With poses such as this, it's nice to have a model.

In fact, I'm going to see if there is a similar pose somewhere...

Posted on: May 12, 2012, 02:53:35 AM

Not exactly the same pose, but the hips are canted the same way.  This will give you an idea on how the legs should look.


Something like this?

Posted on: May 12, 2012, 03:15:50 AM

One more time.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


The reason you aren't nailing the legs proportions is because you don't seem to know what is going on under his pants, that's why Quickie is pushing you to make a skeleton as a base, it is suggested to start drawing this way, and over the time it'll come out naturally.

Now, since the base skeleton doesn't seem to be working here (it looks COMPLETELY different than your drawing) I'll suggest you to do something different for now. Let's ignore for a little bit that there are proportion issues on that character and instead just focus on the basic skeleton of it. So, instead of starting with a base skeleton from scratch (which looks like you're doing it that way), try instead to make the skeleton of that character you already have. Draw OVER IT (no file>new or a separate file, draw on a layer ABOVE that last drawing). Hopefully we'll get you to see more clearly the anatomical issues and help you costruct better skeleton for your future drawings this way.

I made a few draw-over's of my own. Don't take these as the absolute truth though, since there are a few rushed stuff that are wrong here too, but if things go right you'll be able to catch which parts are wrong yourself.

The pose is a bit uncomfortable btw, I think it'd look more natural with the (his) left leg pointing to his right. I haven't fixed this in the sketches, but I knew it looked awkward somehow, until I tried the pose myself, you should try that too :P
By the pose it also look like he is supporting himself with his left leg too, so the hips should be leaning a bit to balance the whole pose.


Thanks Koi, for clarifying on the weight issue.  That was what I was trying to point out with the anatomy image that I had posted.


Oh, I see now! So that's why the leg didn't look right to me.
And about the pose, I know it's not a natural pose because I designed it that way. Kinda like a character just floating there, but I see the what you mean... kinda hard to have his right leg in the air and off the ground with that. In a way he suppose to do a little light kick there.

I feel much better with visual aid, so I'll practice using skeletons first for poses before I start drawing the picture. I had the image of the picture in my head and started to draw away what I imagined.

I'll try to fix him up a bit.

EDIT: Kinda like this?

I hope that's better, because it looks better to me!

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


The balance is off that's why this pose won't work and the character is stiff. Also Quickman already pointed out hands, legs and proportions.
Quick fix would be to forget the kick for now and redo the pose (make the pose more dynamic).
But what I really think you should do is read some anatomy books and practise some realistic figures.
After a month you'll do anime characters much better than you did before.
This is just my take on the character. I'm not here to discourage you so whatever you do/decide don't stop drawing.  :P


Quote from: VirusChris on May 12, 2012, 08:11:58 AM
Oh, I see now! So that's why the leg didn't look right to me.
And about the pose, I know it's not a natural pose because I designed it that way. Kinda like a character just floating there, but I see the what you mean... kinda hard to have his right leg in the air and off the ground with that. In a way he suppose to do a little light kick there.

I feel much better with visual aid, so I'll practice using skeletons first for poses before I start drawing the picture. I had the image of the picture in my head and started to draw away what I imagined.

I'll try to fix him up a bit.

EDIT: Kinda like this?

I hope that's better, because it looks better to me!
No man, you just moved the left leg a bit, that's not what we are talking about at all.
Quote from: KoiDrake on May 12, 2012, 06:40:08 AMtry instead to make the skeleton of that character you already have. Draw OVER IT (no file>new or a separate file, draw on a layer ABOVE that last drawing). Hopefully we'll get you to see more clearly the anatomical issues and help you costruct better skeleton for your future drawings this way.
Do that and then we'll keep going with the proper crits, everything has been said already from our part.


Quote from: KoiDrake on May 12, 2012, 07:13:42 PM
No man, you just moved the left leg a bit, that's not what we are talking about at all.Do that and then we'll keep going with the proper crits, everything has been said already from our part.

You mean a skeleton of my character already, like this?

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


The first thing I can tell right off the bat is that the thighs are too short.  Add a half a thigh-length to them and that should fix that problem.  The lower legs are fine, the thighs need to be lengthened.  If the thighs extend beyond the bottom hem of the shorts, so what?  The shorts are not important at this stage. 

His torso is also a bit on the short side, as there is no room for his ribs and his stomach.  But, some people (myself included) actually have short torsos.  You can remedy this by lengthening the waist a bit.  Bring his hips down a bit.  Keep the pelvis the same size, just move everything down a bit.

There are other things, too, but I'll let Koi tackle those.


Quote from: Quickman on May 13, 2012, 08:22:46 AM
The first thing I can tell right off the bat is that the thighs are too short.  Add a half a thigh-length to them and that should fix that problem.  The lower legs are fine, the thighs need to be lengthened.  If the thighs extend beyond the bottom hem of the shorts, so what?  The shorts are not important at this stage. 

His torso is also a bit on the short side, as there is no room for his ribs and his stomach.  But, some people (myself included) actually have short torsos.  You can remedy this by lengthening the waist a bit.  Bring his hips down a bit.  Keep the pelvis the same size, just move everything down a bit.

There are other things, too, but I'll let Koi tackle those.

Like this?

Thighs showing through the shorts, and the waist a little lower?

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


That white space in the thigh?  Add three more right below it.  They're still a bit too short.


Quote from: Quickman on May 13, 2012, 08:57:03 AM
That white space in the thigh?  Add three more right below it.  They're still a bit too short.

You do know the shorts are longer for a reason, right? To cover at BEST half of his knees and no more, because when I imagine him sitting down the end of the shorts stops at the top of his knee when they're bent.

I guess I'll extend the shorts again after, where I made the adjustments, right? I hate to say this, but to me it looks like he has freakishly long thighs and doesn't seem right. I've seen plenty of characters where thighs close to where my character currently is with the skeleton. I kinda imagine the thighs being slightly longer than the shins.

Posted on: May 13, 2012, 07:08:01 AM

I really am not feeling comfortable extending the thighs more than that!

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Ok, this is going nowhere...

Next time only post that you want to hear some feedback when you're actually ready to take it, right now you're completely ignoring us, and I just don't feel like wasting my time on this anymore.

We already pointed out the flaws, if you feel like taking our crits into account, then read our previous posts, everything we have to say about your drawing has been said already.

Do as you please.


Quick question Viruschris, have you ever taken any figure drawing classes or art classes before (ones outside of high school)? This isn't meant to be an offending question, I'm just curious is all.


Quote from: lizardcommando on May 14, 2012, 02:05:00 AM
Quick question Viruschris, have you ever taken any figure drawing classes or art classes before (ones outside of high school)? This isn't meant to be an offending question, I'm just curious is all.

No, I haven't.
Drawing sort of a hobby of mine that I do from time from time, I play a lot of videos game so I don't draw everyday.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


You should consider a figure drawing class, even through the local arts council.  I'm looking into a figure drawing class, as I have never taken one.  One can learn only so much from books, to get a real feel for how the body moves, one needs to see a nude figure (or a figure in a bathing suit).  And since summer is coming, I'll be studying people in their swimsuits more closely.

But yes, a figure drawing class is immensely helpful.

Provided that you actually wish to learn anything.


Quote from: Quickman on May 14, 2012, 04:50:10 AM
You should consider a figure drawing class, even through the local arts council.  I'm looking into a figure drawing class, as I have never taken one.  One can learn only so much from books, to get a real feel for how the body moves, one needs to see a nude figure (or a figure in a bathing suit).  And since summer is coming, I'll be studying people in their swimsuits more closely.

But yes, a figure drawing class is immensely helpful.

Provided that you actually wish to learn anything.

I don't know any places in the general local area that has something like that, and I'm not fine with nude figure drawing (if they're in bathing suit, then that's OK). Drawing real people does help, I've draw one of my teachers before... remember that one old drawing? If I did posted it, it was the teacher with a necktie with 7's on it.

Anyway, would watching YouTube videos help? With real people and drawing what's in the video?
Not particularly helpful, but another alternative in case I can't find a art class like that around where I live?

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


QuoteI don't know any places in the general local area that has something like that,
If you have to travel 20 miles to get the necessary education to further develop your artistic skills, so be it. Sometimes, you'll have to make certain sacrifices to achieve your goal.

QuoteAnyway, would watching YouTube videos help? With real people and drawing what's in the video?
I personally wouldn't do that. Just take a figure drawing class. Drawing a person/object in real life is much better since you'll get a better sense on how to draw something in a 3 dimensional space rather than a flat space. Not sure if that's the right phrasing, I'm sure one of the more skilled artists can explain it better.


I use live models when I can.  A live model can be viewed from any angle and is therefore superior to a compressed YouTube video.  Also, live models needn't be nude.  I've had my brother model poses for me, fully-clothed.  I, likewise, have modeled poses for him.  It's immensely helpful to have a live model right there in the room, as you can have control over the lighting and the angle.  If you need to get close to the model to view something, you can.

But, I'll be extremely blunt, and if it comes off as sounding a bit mean, so be it.  It's obvious to me that with the amount of excuses you've come up with thus far that you simply do not want to take time out of your busy schedule to learn a damn thing the right way.  Your idea of "feedback" is obviously compliments.  You're fishing for compliments.  If that's the case, say so.  Otherwise, I am officially done with this.  This has been a tremendous waste of time and energy as you simply do not want to learn, or are lacking the tenacity to want to learn.

Do what you want.  Draw what you want.  Everything that needed to be said has been said ad nauseum.  When you feel like actually putting your excuses aside and picking up a pencil and actually wanting to learn, then, and only then will we come and help you.  Otherwise, you are simply wasting our time.


Quote from: lizardcommando on May 14, 2012, 09:50:22 AM
If you have to travel 20 miles to get the necessary education to further develop your artistic skills, so be it. Sometimes, you'll have to make certain sacrifices to achieve your goal.
I personally wouldn't do that. Just take a figure drawing class. Drawing a person/object in real life is much better since you'll get a better sense on how to draw something in a 3 dimensional space rather than a flat space. Not sure if that's the right phrasing, I'm sure one of the more skilled artists can explain it better.

Already YouTube videos are out of the question, and going further out to look for a art class would be worth it if it improves me skills. Time to google search.

Quote from: Quickman on May 14, 2012, 10:24:28 AM
I use live models when I can.  A live model can be viewed from any angle and is therefore superior to a compressed YouTube video.  Also, live models needn't be nude.  I've had my brother model poses for me, fully-clothed.  I, likewise, have modeled poses for him.  It's immensely helpful to have a live model right there in the room, as you can have control over the lighting and the angle.  If you need to get close to the model to view something, you can.

But, I'll be extremely blunt, and if it comes off as sounding a bit mean, so be it.  It's obvious to me that with the amount of excuses you've come up with thus far that you simply do not want to take time out of your busy schedule to learn a damn thing the right way.  Your idea of "feedback" is obviously compliments.  You're fishing for compliments.  If that's the case, say so.  Otherwise, I am officially done with this.  This has been a tremendous waste of time and energy as you simply do not want to learn, or are lacking the tenacity to want to learn.

Do what you want.  Draw what you want.  Everything that needed to be said has been said ad nauseum.  When you feel like actually putting your excuses aside and picking up a pencil and actually wanting to learn, then, and only then will we come and help you.  Otherwise, you are simply wasting our time.

I goes so, but I'm not looking for compliments. I wanted to know what was wrong with my drawing as at first I didn't like it because it was obviously off and I wanted to fix that.

I don't know if any of my family would like to model for me, my brother is too hyperactive, my sister is never home, my mom comes back from work and wants to relax, my dad I could think if the only choice but he wants to relax after working so hard but I guess I could ask, never hurts to do so. But I could get one of those little wooden figures called mannequins, or whatever they are called, to help with poses?

Also these are the How to Draw books I own:
Human Anatomy Made Amazingly Easy by Christopher Hart
Manga Mania: How to Draw Japanese Comics by Christopher Hart
Anime Mania: How to Draw Characters for Japanese Animation by Christopher Hart
Drawing Cutting Edge Fusion (Amercian Comics with a Manga influence) by Christopher Hart
Art of Drawing Manga by Sergi Canara and Vanessa Duran
How to Draw Manga by Ben Dunn
Manga for the Beginner Chibis by Christopher Hart
Discover Manga Drawing by Mario Galea
How to Draw Manga Style by Ilya-san and Yahya El-Droubie

Though I've noticed that the thighs are drawing roughly the same length as the shins but they're still slightly longer than them, as I've be doing so I've been stuck doing that with my drawings which is why it would look weird if I make the thighs are longer unless the character has super long legs and arms. I've been using these books to learn how to draw better but I guess there's a limit of what I can learn from books.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3