Yeah, you got me there. Awesome looking card though!
I stick to the banned list, cause if I didn't there'd be no reason not to throw Tribe back into any of my decks. Same with Graceful Charity & Pot of Greed and a few other. [tornado fang] Yata though!
My brother ALWAYS uses Tribe, so that's part of the reason I don't care to hold back.
A lot of it doesn't make sense to me, though. Pot of Greed/Graceful Charity especially. I mean, ooo, draw more. Yeah, EVERYONE does it, but if you're that desperate to keep players from doing that, why bother limiting the cards in their hand at all? And why, if it's THAT big a deal, is Morphing Jar still allowed?
I can't possibly fathom the point of banning Giant Trunade. Yeah, I know, it could be part of a damn evil combo, but that's kinda the point of thinking when you build your deck.
Also, Swords and Mirror Force aren't even limited? Wow.
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