I have a file problem here...

Started by Police Girl, June 11, 2010, 06:27:35 PM

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Police Girl

To save time I'll just steal my post from XeNTaX...

QuoteI have the ISO of Lost Colors (Ripped from my copy of the game.). And I see some strange files called "DMY1, DMY2, and DMY3" Now, I'm led to believe that these stand for "Dummy 1, Dummy 2, and Dummy 3" If these are dummy files, Why are DMY1 and DMY2 almost 1 GB in size while DMY3 is half that? I'm convinced that the text for the game, along with a majority of the coding is held in these 3 files, DMY1 holding the Geass Route and the Kuro no Kshidan route (Its a visual novel game in Japanese.), DMY2 holds the Britannia Route and the Ashford Academy Route, and the DMY3 is the one with the Blue Moon Route. The Reason DMY3 is so small is because only one route is in here, due to splitting the last two routes between the PSP and PS2 version. Can anybody crack open these files for me? I'll try to upload them, but they're massive, so i might have to heavily compress them into a RAR file. its taking a long time just to put onto a thumb drive.

Yeah, I'm thinking of trying to help out some translation of this game. But there are no files where text could be other than these odd 3 DMY files (No File Extensions or anything, just "DMY*"...)

Files are in this: Its large so its been compressed somewhat, its about 2.5 GB total (Uncompressed)...



Text doesn't ever fill up THAT much space in any game really.
I think there are some graphics inside those files that make them so big in size. o.o;

If you look at the files with a hex editor, you will see lots of 00's most of the time. That's why they are called dummy files.
They have just a tiny bit of data inside (say 10% or a bit higher than that) and then the rest of it is filled with nothing.
Try and look inside it with any other tools and see what you can find.
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt|Twitch.tv|Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Police Girl

Hmm.... Maybe so... in that case I'll have to keep looking for the text. :( Its tedious.


You could delete it and try to play it and see what doesn't load. Although I think if it's a computer game, it may not start up unless all the required files are present.

Also, there is a program that corrupts files, called Erosion. Use it on one of those files and you should probably see what it's doing. Although if what Vixy says is true for those files, you may want to use the Hex editor to see what actually has data in it and use the corruption program from there.

Oh and don't worry about screwing up the file, Erosion has a restore feature, but it's always a good idea to make a copy of the file.


There should be completely different files, namely ones with an extension .cvm .

I had iso of both PSP and PS2 versions... so... ummm... what?

Police Girl

There are CVM Files in there as Well...

The ones that are there are BGM, SCTSTR, ROOT, VOICE, TEX (Ironically not text), SE, and MOVIE

Heres what was in these:

BGM: Music in ADX format
VOICE: A big file presumably containing all the voice samples
TEX: Look in the Reposted Picture Topic, those craptastically corrupted Backgrounds are in here.
SE: Sound Effects (Presumably)
MOVIE: Movies in an unreadable format
ROOT: Shows a ton of files in Apache3, upon extraction it is identical to the Root Folder on the ISO.
SCTSTR: Same as Root, or maybe i extracted the ISO again... doubt it.


Yes, it's root which contains all of the text. But it also apparently contains other stuff as well, such as chara images and [parasitic bomb].
At least from what I understood while examining the files once upon a time.
Open the root with Apache3, extract some files(or all of them) and... play with them using a hex editor.

OR, go to Xentax, as I told you already. : >

Police Girl

I went to Xentax, that was made apparent from my first post.

They ignored me.

Posted on: June 12, 2010, 10:54:16 AM
Using a Hex Editor serves no purpose, I get some small line of junk or a few random letters and then 80% of it is 00...


I should have been more precise.
You should take some of the files from ROOT.cvm, open them in hex editor, and try to see what's in the header.
You might find a clue as to what kind of files they are.

Besides, even if you want to see some REAL TEXT, in those files... you need a, well... table file for your hex editor.
That, you usually need to make yourself.

Tough, I dunno how.

Oh, and header is, obviouslly, at the beginning of the file.

Police Girl

Here is what the header is for file CH_BU_KAL01.P (I assume is one of Kallen's Character Sprites, the BU is confusing, however)

00CHr, then after that is a ton of random bullshit symbols I can't replicate.

What I've come to as a conclusion...

This is a [tornado fang]ing nightmare, Sprites cannot be extracted, Text cannot be translated.

Posted on: June 12, 2010, 07:47:15 PM
Before I forget, all the Files are in a .P Format.


Quote from: 'Kallen Kozuki'
Using a Hex Editor serves no purpose, I get some small line of junk or a few random letters and then 80% of it is 00...

Hmm, well it could be that the dummy files are just that - dummy files. Of course, you're just speculating that it is a dummy file.

I think if it was something that was dummied out, it wouldn't be in it's own file, it would probably be in the main game file. Making a separate file just to put dummy stuff doesn't make sense to me. It may be part of a file that acts as a function in the game. Of course they could've just deleted it if it was no longer needed, so it is plausible that something in those files is needed to run the game fully. Maybe they just deleted what wasn't necessary.

Again, this is is just pure speculation. Cryptic Cryptic Cryptic.

Quote from: 'Lord Forte'
Besides, even if you want to see some REAL TEXT, in those files... you need a, well... table file for your hex editor.
That, you usually need to make yourself.

Tough, I dunno how.

Making a table file isn't that hard in itself, but finding out which number represents which character can be a pain sometimes. If it was for say, a NES game, it wouldn't be too hard, but I'm quite unfamiliar with PS2 and PSP emulation.

Police Girl

Tried putting another request in with XeNTaX. still nothing.

These Damn P format files aren't going to get cracked open it seems.


Did you manage to crack the CVM files ?I am currently downloading a program, named "Coreldraw Graphics" hoping it can open them . -_-

Posted on: June 11, 2013, 03:40:41 PM
OK, man I cracked through the CVM files by converting them into ISO, it worked. Now I have P files , and PVM files, and loads of other mysterious files.
NOTE: I am cracking through the same game Code Geass lost colors, and I am asking for your help for cracking these files to get to the texts.Will you join us in translating this game, it is not done yet we only need to make a patch!
The ones who die, are the ones who are prepared to die!


But the last post in this topic was three years ago.
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations