Absolutely beautiful. Lucas sure is kind to the fans to be doing this.
At least I must admit that out of all three (it was three, wasn't it?)
Four if you count Model Z.
I suggest that RPM and all other Rockman communities start raising a fund to hire this man as well as some skilled programmers to entirely redub both X4 and X7 Zero with Gilbertson's voice and put the audio into the games. Oh, and should there be some money left, let's get Mark Gatha in the boat as well so he can redeem our dirtied souls from X4's girly X.
I sincerely doubt we could raise enough to make it worth their while. Still, it's fun to dream.
Oh, and on the programming end, you don't need very skilled programmers at all if you're going for PC X4. Those are just WAVs, possibly with the file extension changed (I don't remember, I replaced the X4/X5 PC soundtracks in ages past; The Wish Punished is AWESOME as Iris battle BGM). And the videos are easily edit/swap-able as well. It'd be no problem.
On a side note, I think the way he calls out for Iris at 0:47 is kind of funny because it sounds like he's scolding her for falling asleep or something.
0:47 I think, between the original and Lucas's, are different takes on desperation. The original has Zero a bit more fearful, whereas Lucas does him more commanding in a "snap out of it" kind of way. I don't think it's bad in and of itself, it's just awkward to be following Lucas being considerably more emotion than the original on the "it's only a fantasy" line. I can sorta see him getting choked up over that seeings how it's the reason they were stuck against each other, though.
With something like this you need to let it soak in. First impressions will always be awkward because
any change from what's been established in one's mind raises a red flag.
The only part of Lucas's performance I would actually criticize is the first Iris call, around 0:42, only because Zero's facial expression seems stronger than the vocal. But the scene overall is a vast improvement.
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