Robot Masters:
Astro Physics: Astroman's Stage, MM8.
Burning Paradise: Burnerman's Stage, MM&B.
Frozen Wasteland: Freezeman's Stage, MM7.
Enter the Hornet: Hornetman's Stage, MM9.
Electric Trap: Elecman's Stage, MM1.
Slippery Oil Feilds: Oilman's Stage, MMPU.
Flashy Rave: Flashman's Stage: MM2.
Hard Travels: Hardman's Stage: MM3.
Wily Stages:
DRAGON'S LAIR FOR THE COMMIDORE 64!: MM2 Wily Fortress Stage 1.
Gutsman's Revenge! He's PISSED.: MM7 Wily Fortress Stage -insert number here-.
Closing in, be aware of Darkman's Trap!: The final MM5 Protoman Fortress Stage.
Cossack's Rage, his love, his anger, and all his sorrow are unleashed!: The final MM4 Cossack Stage.
Rematch with the Masters! Careful now.: The Fifth MM6 Wily Castle Stage.
Final Showdown! For Roll, for earth, and everyone!: MM10, Final Wily Castle Stage.
Sub-Stages, Intro Stages and Other Stages:
City Seige!: MM7 Opening Stage.
Quick, Follow That Meteor!: MM8 Sub-Stage.
The Mysterious Doc Robot: MM3 Sub-Stage.
Protect the Musem!: MM&B Intro Stage.
The Monkey's Fury: MMWW Extra Stage.
Enker's Vengance: MM10 Extra Stage.