Is it E3 season already?
This year I'm hoping expecting predicting for Satoru Iwata to enter the stage on a massive flying couch made of solid gold, powered by the collective feeling of minor triumph the Ninty employees and fans feel every time another DS is sold. To thank us for supporting the company, he'll then throw free money and kittens into the audience. Reggie will then announce Nintendo's new charity project, They're Starving (But Wii're Working On Fixing That) ("Buy a Wii, solve world hunger!"), and Shigeru Miyamoto will Do The Mario for the entire audience.
In other news: on this same day, Steve Jobs announces the iGod (you can create whole universes with it and it stores up to 5,000 songs at once!), disease and poverty are eradicated from the world and Sonic 4 is released ("It's not that bad, guys!" Edge proclaims; IGN says it "needs work").
Still no word on that Legends 3 thing, though.