The demon shrieked with glee. Wrapping its capes around itself as if they were restraints.
"Oh goodie!` Let me just invite some of my friends" Sedo then made a loud wolf whistle.
Instantly, 3 magical circles appeared before it. From them, emerged two inccubi and a succubus.
"Yo, broter, long time no see." Said one of the inccubi.
"Enough chit-chat my breathren. The Dark Prince is being invaded by meddlesome humans." Sedo said in a grouph manner.
"But the Dark Prince is nice and cozy taking a nice nap in Hell." Replied the other inccubi.
"Not THAT Dark Prince, the one whose taking a coffin nap behind me. Now get your temptating asses to the castle halls, we have a simian to seduct!"
"Yessir!" They said as the saluted.
"If the gal refuses to get lost in temptation, your free to dispose of her as you please." Sedo told them in a deep voice.
"Good to hear. I'll join you shortly. Bye now~
The three immiediately transported themsleves to a respective room near the hall where the female human was wandering.