No, folks, this emulator is not running in "DS mode". DS mode would not be able to create an image that stretches beyond the DS's aspect ratio (GBA is 3:2, DS is 4:3, 3DS top screen is 5:3). For a GBA game to use the full screen height and still stretch beyond the width of the bottom screen, that is a 3DS mode emulator.
The colors might be SLIGHTLY pale, but my idea of "washed out" is a frontlit GBA SP screen (AGS-001 as opposed to AGS-101). This is nowhere near as bad. I'd say it's more faithful than the wackiness we've already seen on Wii's NES Virtual Console (painfully evident in Mega Man).
Yes, the proper home/sleep functions don't work. As they do not work for any legacy DS game. The system will shut off the screen and speakers when folded shut, but the game is still running. So, pause it first.
No, I don't understand why Nintendo can't get a GBA game to sleep either, but it's a trivial point.
I'd appreciate the option for a Y/B control setup as opposed to B/A, but that holds for the NES emulator as well.
Overall, if this is your idea of bad emulation, then thank God you were never in on the DS homebrew scene. Or, for that matter, the Wii VC's Genesis emulation, which you pay $8 a game for and it doesn't even recognize a goddamn control stick. We're getting free, competent [parasitic bomb] before anyone else has the option to pay for it; I'm not complaining.
You're frustrated because we got exactly what they said we'd get? If you don't remember that, then you probably don't remember the whole getting versions of this that work like the rest of the VC when/if they update them. Right now it's not even an emulator, they're working the same way the DS games are. The reason for no multiplayer? You can't connect Link Cables to the 3DS.
You can't run a GBA game on a non-GBA system and call it anything but emulation. It's not "hardware emulation" as I imagine you meant to say, because any Nintendo system that lacks a GBA port also lacks GBA BIOS and sound circuitry. That topic came up pretty much weekly when the DSi first came out.
It does for me ^^
Same. Funny how people will pay for games we already own with a smile, but then they're free, it's a shitstorm.
The hard truth is, they really don't give a [parasitic bomb]. Why? Because it's not earning them profit.
Because Nintendo, with profits driving them, was totally into savestates, control configurations, and network connectivity on their last system's Virtual Console.