Yeah, I started on the NES too. Next console gen, Genesis was that "forbidden fruit" that I begged my parents for every gift-giving occasion and never got until it was well obsolete.
But damn, S3&K was so awesome.
Growing up with two older brothers, we all shared and they got pretty much all the "oldschool" stuff when we went our separate ways, which is why I appreciate Nintendo's psychotic re-release habits. The first system that I actually bought myself was a Gameboy Color; first console a Gamecube (though my bro gave me his PS1 and Dreamcast later).
I'd like it if I could transport my DSi's games into my 3DS. Or if I could switch console when it breaks, without having to re-buy all the games all over again.
(Hah, what am I saying. I haven't bought a Nintendo game since 2007. )
You're a bit out of the loop, Speedy. DSiWare transfers from DSi to 3DS have been known for quite some time now, but it first requires Nintendo to get their 3DS e-Shop ducks in a row which will come via a future system update. 'bout a month away, I believe; you can't do it offline. DSi-to-DSi transfers are nonexistant.
Console breakdowns, and downloadable games suffered thereof, are pretty much give-it-to-Nintendo-to-fix-or-you're-screwed. You can redownload anything for free but only Nintendo can transfer your account to a new piece of hardware. On your own, you can transfer your Friend Code data between any DS systems, and that's pretty much it.
So, the Gamestop I preordered my 3DS at is opening at 9 on Sunday, and the one ten minutes further down the road is having a midnight launch.
You know, I might be more inclined to swallow their pre-order crap if they didn't run this kind of risk of punishing the early bird all the time. Ah well, I promised myself I'd run no risk of repeating my Wii launch escapades, such is life.
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