Major update!
On 2009/04/06
Been working my ass off for you guys.
After only displaying a very early development build to a close group of friends, I've decided to go out with the early alpha roll-out of the rechristened Image Randomizer Script so everyone can take a look at it and say what you like and don't like, what could be improved and what could be removed. Most of the heavy work has been done behind the curtains, so you wouldn't really notice; but the administration interface has taken a
MAJOR overhaul to make it easier to manage everything.
Here are the links for your testing pleasure:
Random image link: image counter link: link: the new administration interface: login page for the new web admin interface is already filled with the default login data so you can go inside immediately and start fooling around.
Lemme know what you guys think; I probably won't be releasing this version to the public until I have at least the configuration editor sorted out, but it's nice to have feedback about what feels right and what doesn't at this point in time.
[spoiler=Original Post]Well, look no further. I have finally found a free hosting provider for those of you that don't have your own, so you can host your own collection of randomly rotating avatars, like the one I'm sporting.
Thus, inspiration drove me to write a complete tutorial on even the most minimal things of getting, configuring, setting up, and using my Random Avatar Script of Doom™.
Beware though, as it's a bit of a lengthy read, for it covers every single aspect of the script, including, but not limited to, configuration, signing up for and setting up an account at the hosting provider, and testing each and every function of the script, among other things.
DEPRECATED!!!Enjoy, and drop any comments, feedback, questions, complaints, cheese, wine, boobs and beamsabers here.