What I love about MM10's music is the unique sound to all of the tracks when you compare it to the previous game. It kinda reminds me of how MM3's music sounded after MM2, or how MM5's music sounded after MM4. In this game, like the games I mentioned, they seemed to take a new direction with the soundtrack and added somewhat new instruments, like in SolarMan's stage for example. It's like when hearing GravityMan's stage for the first time in MM5 and comparing it to almost any track from MM4. Now whether you like it or not is completely up to the ear of BeholderMan. Personally, I'm a huge fan of it. I might prefer MM9's soundtrack more in terms of certain things. For example, MM9's Final Wily Machine Theme is still the best there is, and I like it more than MM10's Pirate Wily theme. On the other hand, after listening to it more and more, I think I like MM10's Wily Stage II theme better than all the MM9 Wily Stage themes. Overall, I'm very happy with the MM10 soundtrack, and can't wait till MM11's soundtrack and DLC 8-Bit Playable Roll.