[spoiler=The LONG version]Thanks to Hurricane Sandy for pulling a loose wire on the electrical poles around my neighborhood, I had to suffer a week of no electricity, no internet, no use of the house phones (cell phones are all we had to contact the idiots at PSE&G) the food in my family's house going bad thanks to the refrigerators going out, and we had to be left out in the dark for an entire week. What was worse were the damn idiots of PSE&G not coming sooner to re-attach the wire that supplied my neighborhoods' houses because they were so frickin' busy taking care of the other things first that took a hell of a lot of time to do compared just sending someone just to fix a simple wiring problem. Thanks to that, my family had to suffer with our food going bad and the cold, dark nights for since near the end of October. What's worse still is that my parents found some of these idiots and their trucks while inspecting the other house that I'm moving, they tried to tell them know that we've been without power for a long time and they got the nerve laugh in their faces about it. What a bunch of assholes!
Why do we even pay these people for electricity if they can people that needed the most?! I get that there are people that needs service more that we do, but by NOT giving back our power for a damn week, WE become the needy because our food spoiled over the course of time of sending everyone one of the half-brained employees to fix a simple problem that became a huge problem in the long run.[/spoiler]
The TL;DR version: I was (socially) blacked-out for a week, thanks to a hurricane that was on her period, PSE&G for being incompetent morons to fix a simple wiring problem, and this suffering went on for an
entire week.