Well, I know that most of the robot masters have some kind of natural power, like water/fire/ice/rock/speed/timestopping/flying/whatever, but there are still many options left. And Sheepman actually splits into CLOUDS. If it would be Sheepman, it would shoot fur bullets that blind enemies or something. But this feels like Capcom was "Okay, we have only 7 robot masters, so let's copy some of the old ones. Okay, Cloud is cool, just give him some other name because Cloud Man II sounds stupid. Brainstorm. Cloud is fluffy. Maybe something fluffy. Sheep. Sheepman. Sheeps don't shoot thunders, so let it split into clouds. Clouds shoot thunders. /topic". Okay, maybe I nitpick too much here, but I'm certainly not like "OMGZ ALL BOSSES HAZ BLACK OUTLINES PLAGIARISM!!11!!eleven11!". Similarities are fun. Copies are not. Maybe many companies are doing this, but also many people kill and steal. You can, but you don't need too be like them.
It amazes me how one "group" of you tell me that I'm Cpt. Obvious, while the others try to tell me that I'm completely 101% wrong. Also, why you tell me I'm on the rage like "I MUST BE RIGHT IT'S BASED ON ATLANTIS' SCIENTISTS WORK IF YOU DON'T AGREE THEN YOU HAVE NO BRAIN", when I wrote only two messages, with no exclamation marks or offensive phrases.