The Last Story (Wii) - Mistwalker x Nintendo RPG

Started by Jericho, January 30, 2010, 01:11:09 AM

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what about politics that make your head spin, like FFT?


Quote from: Align on August 23, 2010, 09:36:24 PM
what about politics that make your head spin, like FFT?

That sums up those thoughts.

Incidently, I have played Fallout 3 and currently am introducing my Fiance to the game. I understand that it has potential, just as much as anything else really. It's a matter of how that potential is used. I tend to like how the fantasy stories are presented instead of the post-apocalyptic, that's all. *shrugs*

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Ares on August 23, 2010, 09:52:04 PM
That sums up those thoughts.

Incidently, I have played Fallout 3 and currently am introducing my Fiance to the game. I understand that it has potential, just as much as anything else really. It's a matter of how that potential is used. I tend to like how the fantasy stories are presented instead of the post-apocalyptic, that's all. *shrugs*
All stories have potencial, no matter what the theme. Problem is, the usual fantasy background doesn't always pursue it into original settings, instead making us traverse old clichés over and over.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on August 23, 2010, 10:12:18 PM
All stories have potencial, no matter what the theme. Problem is, the usual fantasy background doesn't always pursue it into original settings, instead making us traverse old clichés over and over.

*waits days to reply*

That's not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of people like the old clichés. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. etc.

Of course, someone will always take an original approach, for better or worse. So, I don't mind that the majority stick to the material that works. It's all good.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Ares on September 02, 2010, 10:33:14 AM
*waits days to reply*

That's not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of people like the old clichés. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. etc.

Of course, someone will always take an original approach, for better or worse. So, I don't mind that the majority stick to the material that works. It's all good.
That's kinda why everyone will never be tired of space marine games, right? =P


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 02, 2010, 12:02:53 PM
That's kinda why everyone will never be tired of space marine games, right? =P

If it'sdone right

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Acid-∑ on September 02, 2010, 12:18:28 PM
If it'sdone right

You're forgetting the story will still be the same clichéd old bullshit.

...if people bothered to play Gears or Halo they'd find out that, aside from story, the games are pretty damn good in terms of gameplay.

Protoman Blues

I know I love Gears & Halo.

Although I prefer Halo for JEEP ACTION.  XD


Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 02, 2010, 03:10:12 PM
I know I love Gears & Halo.

Although I prefer Halo for JEEP ACTION.  XD
Yeah, Gears is pretty lame when it comes to vehicles. But what I love about it, is that it started this new wave of cover-based systems with pretty much the best and simplest system it could. You pretty much just use two buttons for movement in this game, and do everything with the A button when it comes to covering, dodging, jumping cover, hopping from cover to cover... I really liked the context-based mechanism they used. Dudes made it much simpler than most games around, and that was what's brilliant about it. People who haven't played it just look at it and see big bald bulky marines in a post-apocalyptic world, like in most games around. Game's good because of how it plays, not how it looks. And heck, I'm not even a fan, but I kinda hate how people treat the game without even knowing it.

And Vanquish is amazing on that regard. It sometimes overcomplicates things, but it succeeds in updating the cover shooter in the way Dark Void tried to, but ultimately failed.

...I don't like how the cover button is X/square, though. Most other games have either A/X or B/Circle. Gets a bit confusing at first.

Protoman Blues


LoL, yeah I'll definitely try Vanquish.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 02, 2010, 12:02:53 PM
That's kinda why everyone will never be tired of space marine games, right? =P

I don't care for faceless space marines. 8D

Some stories do it just fine though. Mass Effect was really interesting both in gameplay and story. Halo just had decent gameplay. *shrugs*

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Ares on September 02, 2010, 09:12:07 PM
I don't care for faceless space marines. 8D

Some stories do it just fine though. Mass Effect was really interesting both in gameplay and story. Halo just had decent gameplay. *shrugs*
You dissin' the Halo story? Heck, it manages to be deeper than Mass Effect if you go into the Forerunner and AI business. The books go very deeply into the lore, and Halo 3 already has hidden terminals which tell the story of a rogue AI's redemption. I concour that the ending of the trilogy wasn't much, but Bungie DID do one hell of a job with the overall mythos and universe.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 02, 2010, 10:03:22 PM
You dissin' the Halo story? Heck, it manages to be deeper than Mass Effect if you go into the Forerunner and AI business. The books go very deeply into the lore, and Halo 3 already has hidden terminals which tell the story of a rogue AI's redemption. I concour that the ending of the trilogy wasn't much, but Bungie DID do one hell of a job with the overall mythos and universe.

Didn't play 3. I played Mass Effect 1 and Halo 1 & 2.

I can only go off my knowledge and frankly, Halo's story wasn't interesting. Fault me if you will, but I was not intrigued.

And as far as AI goes, Star Ocean 3 tops all. The Eternal Sphere being a vidya gaem but advancing beyond it and how far it went was epic in and of it's self, despite what the dumbass majority thinks about "jumping the shark".

Which was a stupid claim, I might add. But then, fans tend to have their heads stuck up their asses in all the worst ways.

Of course, you'll try to turn that statement on me, no doubt. XD

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Ares on September 03, 2010, 01:50:00 AM
Didn't play 3. I played Mass Effect 1 and Halo 1 & 2.

I can only go off my knowledge and frankly, Halo's story wasn't interesting. Fault me if you will, but I was not intrigued.

And as far as AI goes, Star Ocean 3 tops all. The Eternal Sphere being a vidya gaem but advancing beyond it and how far it went was epic in and of it's self, despite what the dumbass majority thinks about "jumping the shark".

Which was a stupid claim, I might add. But then, fans tend to have their heads stuck up their asses in all the worst ways.

Of course, you'll try to turn that statement on me, no doubt. XD

>Best AI
>Star Ocean 3
>Not considering GLaDOS
>Not considering [chameleon sting]ing SHODAN
>Not considering MOTHER. [tornado fang]ing. AM.



Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 03, 2010, 02:00:59 AM
>Best AI
>Star Ocean 3
>Not considering GLaDOS
>Not considering [chameleon sting]ing SHODAN
>Not considering MOTHER. [tornado fang]ing. AM.

Lost me. Quoting stuff that is obscure to me doesn't help I guess. Though from what I've been told, it's actually pretty cliche stuff. But I don't personally know, so I won't deny it. I know what I do know though and I stick to it.

Quote from: Acid-∑ on September 03, 2010, 02:01:34 AM
I'm on of them. As far as SO3 goes anyway.

I'm sure you have your reasons. I simply look beyond that opinion because there was clever writing there and it wasn't that far of a stretch for the world they were already in. Let us consider OPAs that make no sense outside of GOD. So yes, they came up with a way to explain it. Was it the worst way? No, not at all. Was it the best way? Can't say there IS a best way, subjective opinion and all that bullshit.

But was it good? Yes. I do believe it was a good choice. Could it have been better? Yes and no. Opinion again really.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Ares on September 03, 2010, 02:39:28 AM
Lost me. Quoting stuff that is obscure to me doesn't help I guess. Though from what I've been told, it's actually pretty cliche stuff. But I don't personally know, so I won't deny it. I know what I do know though and I stick to it.

I'm sure you have your reasons. I simply look beyond that opinion because there was clever writing there and it wasn't that far of a stretch for the world they were already in. Let us consider OPAs that make no sense outside of GOD. So yes, they came up with a way to explain it. Was it the worst way? No, not at all. Was it the best way? Can't say there IS a best way, subjective opinion and all that bullshit.

But was it good? Yes. I do believe it was a good choice. Could it have been better? Yes and no. Opinion again really.
Cliché stuff? It's from the game "I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream", based on the short story of the same name. It had who I consider to be the greatest AI enemy of all time (along with Hal 9000 of course), AM. A computer who held a group of remaining humans trapped in an endless cycle of constant life and death. It's got an amazing story, and it's pretty freaking awesome.

But hell, look no further than SHODAN from System Shock. Or GLaDOS from Portal. Or Durandal from Marathon 2. But Star Ocean? Best fictional AI in games? You gotta be shitting me. That's like saying Devil May Cry 4 has the best love story in games, or something. Hell, AIs are a staple enemy in sci-fi games, there are tons of fantastic examples of all kinds. You pretty much gave the worst example you could.

Protoman Blues

[tornado fang] you all. ADA is the best AI in games EVER!  0v0


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 03, 2010, 02:56:06 AM
Cliché stuff? It's from the game "I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream", based on the short story of the same name. It had who I consider to be the greatest AI enemy of all time (along with Hal 9000 of course), AM. A computer who held a group of remaining humans trapped in an endless cycle of constant life and death. It's got an amazing story, and it's pretty freaking awesome.

But hell, look no further than SHODAN from System Shock. Or GLaDOS from Portal. Or Durandal from Marathon 2. But Star Ocean? Best fictional AI in games? You gotta be shitting me. That's like saying Devil May Cry 4 has the best love story in games, or something. Hell, AIs are a staple enemy in sci-fi games, there are tons of fantastic examples of all kinds. You pretty much gave the worst example you could.

So AIs that literally transcend beyond the creator's expectations, develop living, breathing and thinking personas and then step out of the goddamn game is the worst example? And I'm merely footnoting here, given over the course of Star Ocean series, the way their world develops and evolves is correlative with our OWN [tornado fang]ing world. Some genius made a world that exists on the level of our own by WRITING [tornado fang]ing CODE.

Right. This discussion is going in utter circles. I'm done, I've got enough issues today than to circle jerk all over the thread right now. Someone let me know when there is an update relevant to the game released.

Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 03, 2010, 03:09:41 AM
[tornado fang] you all. ADA is the best AI in games EVER!  0v0

Herp Derp. ADA was pretty awesome, admittedly.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Ares on September 03, 2010, 03:11:59 AM
So AIs that literally transcend beyond the creator's expectations, develop living, breathing and thinking personas and then step out of the goddamn game is the worst example? And I'm merely footnoting here, given over the course of Star Ocean series, the way their world develops and evolves is correlative with our OWN [tornado fang]ing world. Some genius made a world that exists on the level of our own by WRITING [tornado fang]ing CODE.

Right. This discussion is going in utter circles. I'm done, I've got enough issues today than to circle jerk all over the thread right now. Someone let me know when there is an update relevant to the game released.

Herp Derp. ADA was pretty awesome, admittedly.
Yes, they're pretty bad examples. See, there's a kind of impossibility layer which sci-fi really can't cross without either having to make fun of it, or look stupid.

See the [parasitic bomb] on Doctor Who? They make fun of it all the time. But if they took it seriously, it would be stupid.

Star Ocean 3 took it seriously. It was stupid. Virtual worlds have been done plenty of times in sci-fi. The way it was done in Star Ocean brought nothing interesting and refreshing to the table, and it was pretty much uninteresting. Wooooooow, someone coded a realistic world. Great. Wow, everyone's an AI but nobody knew it in the first place. And they, um... achieved consciousness and legitimate existance and [parasitic bomb]. Who the hell writes this crap? Along with the uninteresting and amazingly stupid dialogue and poor characters, who even cares?

And yeah, ADA was good, but she was pretty much a run-of-the-mill regular AI. If not for the game she's in, she wouldn't have much importance or charm in the first place.


We should probably make a new topic for this.

Gonna say one more thing though:

The plot thing in SO3 wasn't THAT bad, I could skip those parts. What bugged me more was the extreme uncanny valley that game suffered from. The fact that Japan still hasn't learned that MoCap just doesn't go with anime is shocking. SO isn't the only game guilty of this, just wanted to point that out.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 03, 2010, 03:34:24 AM
And yeah, ADA was good, but she was pretty much a run-of-the-mill regular AI. If not for the game she's in, she wouldn't have much importance or charm in the first place.

Actually, I thought she was an integral part of the story, especially when you get to the 2nd Runner.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 03, 2010, 03:39:28 AM
Actually, I thought she was an integral part of the story, especially when you get to the 2nd Runner.
Yeah, but she didn't surprise me in any way during both games. Heck, Nohman was the best character, IMO. Dude was an awesome villain.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on September 03, 2010, 03:44:06 AM
Yeah, but she didn't surprise me in any way during both games. Heck, Nohman was the best character, IMO. Dude was an awesome villain.

LoL, but we're not discussing characters. We're discussing A.I and ADAliciousness! (I agree though, Nohman was an awesome villain)

But with ADA, I like the development she had with both runners, more so Leo than Dingo. Granted, it's not surprising, but I thought she helped out with characterization (as best as characterization can be in a video game, mind you XD) which can help a story a lot.