Heh, I don't know if I could ever do a Let's Play. Although watching me kick my friend's ass at Mario Kart or Brawl is definitely an experience!
Yeah I know what you mean, I don't plan on doing 3D games because I suck at them so much already and don't have a Capture Card. If I did do one it'd be the Sonic Adventure games but I remembered the last time I played I got stuck at the last levels in the main stories not the final ones. I'd also totally do a Let's Look at God Eater Burst, that game is not Let's Play material however and I definitely want to show how much I suck at Megaman games.
First I would do Pokemon Leaf Green, after that Kirby's Adventure, and then Final Fantasy 5 because that was the only I beat beat in the series so that would be a good start. It was either I got stuck at somewhere stupid (Final Fantasy 4 and 6), something else caught my attention and I didn't finish (Final Fantasy 1 and 3), too young to understand how to play (Final Fantasy 7) or just didn't really play them (Final Fantasy 2, and 9). Course there are some I don't want to play (Final Fantasy 8 and 10-13).
The point here is that I want to do games that I enjoyed as a kid and so my experiences playing them again, I mean I only play each Pokemon game once after all.
I also don't want to bore people with only doing long games like Chuggaconroy and HcBailly or want them asking for more doing short games like Proton Jon and Clement J642, though I really shouldn't use Proton Jon or ClementJ642 as an example in this case since Jon update infrequently because of real life stuff and Clement is probably on of the most insane LPer I know since he pretty much Let's Played the entire Megaman Series and Sonic series in one go with a few other games here and there. Seriously LPing an entire series in one go is a horrible idea. I want to do it in the pattern of a Long game, short game, long game, short game etc.
I guess what I want to do is kinda like Naka Teleeli but not with the insanity he does. He does both short and long games, and very very obscure and unusual ones at that, but he Let's Plays 3 of them at one and cycles through those 3 in a pattern 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 etc. Currently he's doing the Zone of the Enders Let's Play I posted above, the Transformers game, and Megaman Legends 2 (I highly recommend that one, he's not a hard core Megaman Fan so there is no Capcom rage at all.).
I want to start small and do a video a week and probably keep it that way for most of it, I don't want to upload videos everyday and have an insane and entitled fan base like Chuggaconroy does. I love Chugga but his fan base is horrible. I know he doesn't like to be negative and he only reads a few comments on Youtube and Facebook but I have to wonder how his fan base got so out of control, how he can deal with that, and still be a happy insane guy.
But I really shouldn't expect things until I try them, I mean I don't know how this would work.