GMod is so much Fun now,wish ya'll could play...and i got a Kallen Ragdoll
and i think i'm going to let my Brother Have my account...Meh.
Oh [tornado fang], you found me.
Anyway, I got a fun story for you.
Today during my normal bowling routine, a dad and his two kids came up in the lane next to ours to bowl. The kids looked about 8 and 4, and the dad looked to be in his mid 50's, anyway. They get to the lane, and the first kid just
takes my dad's ball (it was an alley ball, but still.) and uses it. It doesn't stop there either, they end up using my grandpa's ball (Both the normal and the spare ball.) my uncles ball, and even my ball. They were [tornado fang]ing Mooching off of us, you could tell it was their first time at a bowling alley. They just didn't stop, they finally got some alley balls when it was my turn and one of that guy's [tornado fang]ing kids grabbed my ball and tried using it, when I said "Excuse me, thats my ball." and dad told them "There are balls over there, these are our personal ball's." The dad, apparently bewildered, said "Well I had no Idea, I'm sorry.". My ass, the [tornado fang]ing retard wanted to see how far he could get in his game using stuff that wasn't his. Me and my dad both agreed that these people have obviously never acutally bowled. And their bowling was all Wii based. Sometimes, people need to just [tornado fang]ing ask before just using balls that are in the corral that don't even [tornado fang]ing look like shitty alley balls. I mean, they looked at them 50% of the time (When coming back from the alley to the seating area.) and they couldn't just [tornado fang]ing realize "Oh [parasitic bomb], these are their balls, not alley balls."
Human Stupidity, Ladies and Gentlemen.