Lack of Male MC disappoints me a bit, but overall is pretty good.
Posted on: January 26, 2013, 08:59:42 AM
Apparently there's two anime openings for Fate/Extra CCC and the second opening features the Male Protagonist.Would've been nice to know earlier, but at least the Male Protagonist isn't forgotten AND these anime openings appear once you select the Protagonist's gender for the game. That explains it.
Quite the toboyish voice there for Meltlilith, but her armor... seriously how does that stay on?!
Posted on: February 01, 2013, 06:49:50 PM
Costumes for Saber and Caster in F/E CCC!
These are not the only costumes that can get as there's additional costumes to collect in the game! And this extends to the Protagonist as well, so original look, the new black Student Council look, and other costumes for them to wear.
More information on Fate/Extra CCC:
*The "My Room" returns again where you chat with your Servant and change their costumes
*You can change the interior of your "My Room" from its modest appearance by completing Taiga Fujimura's "Tiger Quests"
*Save Data from the previous game, Fate/Extra, will unlock a set of Gym Clothes for the Protagonist to wear and you unlock the original costumes for Saber, Archer, and Caster from the first game as well.
*First print pre-order copies will get 4 chibi stickers of Saber, Archer, Caster, and Gilgamesh
Fate/Extra CCC White Virgin Box Unboxing