How did you get interested in Mega Man?

Started by CyberXIII, September 28, 2009, 12:30:38 AM

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Pringer X

Mega Man X on the SNES was literally the first game I remember playing :D Ever since, I usually equated anything with "Mega Man" in the title to equal awesome, and I remember debating with my sister as to what Mega Man games I had on the NES :P


Played Mega Man, Mega Man 4, Mega Man V, and Mega Man 7 as a kid. Didn't really think anything of it.

Years later, I get introduced to Mega Man X1.

So then I'm playing all the MMX's I can find, buying a copy of MM1 off eBay, next thing you know, I'm hooked. Bought Mega Man X5 in Washington D.C. for the bro that introduced me to MMX1 (both our jaws dropped when we heard Bubble Crab's stage theme again), and I've been a big fan since. And between Black Hole creation, Absolute Zero weaponry, in addition to Time Control skills, that these Reploids might very well be the deadliest forces in all of superhero fiction.


Either Sprites Inc or the Ruby Spears cartoon that was on a Saturday Morning cereal box cartoon lineup or maybe when I was introduced to ROMS and EMULAITON. After that, it's how it pretty much went. During that time I had an NES and a few Super Mario Bros games to say the least.  

Before I forget, I think there was MML, MM8, and MMX4 too that got me into it.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


I've always been into videogames. Ever since I held my first NES controller. They were so clunky and unergonomic. Great. Now I loved robots (who doesn't?) and when I saw MM3 being played I immediatly knew I liked it.

Police Girl


I always loved Megaman, but that was due mostly to the show. XD

It wasn't until one day I was bored and tinkering with my old PC trying to get a SNES emulator running on it (a hell of a task for a 8 - 9 year old me) that I got to experience the godliness of Megaman X. I was in total awe, no dialogue, no setup, I just got beamed in, kickass music started playing and I was sold. XD


I was looking for something to get on my Wii Virtual Consle, and figured I'd try Mega Man 1. I sucked at it, but I enjoyed it somewhat. I then decided to try Mega Man X on a SNES emulator. I sucked at that too, but enjoyed it alot, so then I tried X2 & X3, and eventually played Mega Man 2, 3 & 9. From there I just play whatever Mega Man game I can get for an emulator (except BN & SF games). Note all this happened only 6 months ago.



[spoiler]Oh wait, Maverick Hunter X. Nevermind.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Irgendein on September 28, 2009, 12:55:34 AM
Note all this happened only 6 months ago.

It's never too late to become a MM fan!


Well, IIRC, the first Megaman game I played was X1 in a CD that I had some looong time ago [which reminds me, I never beat it thanks to the water in Launch Octopus not being transparent as it was in the SNES]. It also happened to pirated.

So in the end buying a pirated copy of a game ended up helping Capcom. OH THE IRONY


MegaMan 3, waaay back in the day.  It was challenging (back then) without being frustrating, and the easily manipulated password system let me start basically anywhere and anyhow I wanted.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

The Great Gonzo

Lizsama's artwork and Sonic HQ's other site (which was in shambles even then) introduced me to Megaman, and Anniversary Collection got me truly interested...when I got better at it, anyway.

Dr. Wily II

洛克人外传- 威利博士的阴谋
(Rockman side-story - Dr. Wily's Plot)

A Rockman manga based on NES Rockman 2.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


A cousin of mine brought a floppy with Megaman 1-6 (oddly, with the exception of 5, which I never played until MMAC) and an emulator, and copied them to my PC. The first game I played was MM6, it was love at first sight or something like that.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


You know, I could've swore we had a topic like this. But I couldn't find it.

Anyway, my first exposure to Mega Man was the Ruby Spears cartoon. I never actually played a Mega Man game till X6.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.


Back in the 80's, kid me was looking through a local rental place.  I went through various boxes trying to decide what to play.  I picked up Megaman 2's box noting the box art which was probably kind of cool by my standards back then.  Hey it had robots shooting at each other.  Kids are easy to impress.  I check the back, sure enough it's about robots shooting at each other.

I take it home and take a beating at the hands of everyone but bubbleman, but eventually manage to beat all 8 (Only in later attempts did I learn to take out Metalman first).  Well time was up on the rental before beating it but shortly after Megaman 3 was released and my parents got it for me on my next birthday.  MM3 I beat countless times and became hooked on the series.



Quote from: Sato on September 28, 2009, 04:23:24 AM
You know, I could've swore we had a topic like this. But I couldn't find it.

Anyway, my first exposure to Mega Man was the Ruby Spears cartoon. I never actually played a Mega Man game till X6.
Haha, someone I can relate to. Ruby Spears when i was little, right before school.
later, it stopped airing, and I kind of forgot about Megaman.

then I got a game called Power Quest, and the cover charcter reminded me of Megaman cuz he was a blue robot VAGUELY similar. Plus, the "Enemy" version was always red, so I imagined Megaman and Protoman.

some years later, when I had the PS1, I came across Meaman 8 at Toys R us, and remembered Megaman, and bought it. then came X5, and then X4.

Lol, I sucked so much at them.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


It could have been any one of the first three NES games, I can't really recall due to my age at the time (4), and they were rentals. X1 is probably where I really got into the series though. Rented the game once and was hooked.

Yeah, we did have this topic in the past, but chances are it was lost during one of the several purges.

Bag of Magic Food

Quote from: Flame on September 28, 2009, 07:40:17 AM
Haha, someone I can relate to. Ruby Spears when i was little, right before school.
later, it stopped airing, and I kind of forgot about Megaman.
Me too, but I only saw it a couple of times.  Didn't have that many cartoons I watched regularly... Maybe Animaniacs, right after school.  When I saw Megaman 6 times in a row on NES game lists, I thought, "Wow, 6 games based on that silly show?  How good can they be if they're based on a cartoon?"  Later I saw someone actually play Megaman 4 on an emulator, and I recognized it as Megaman, except I thought he looked a little too small...

Sniper X

Before I move here in the desert, my dad bought me a GBA with a cartridge of games in it. Mostly there's old games in it but the top 3 on the list I remembered are Megaman Battle Network 6 Gregar, Falzar and Naruto. I mostly played Naruto because I know who Naruto is and then when I finished the game, I played MMBN 6. I thought it is some shitty anime game (I don't know why am I thinking of that when I was young). o~O My twin wants to play the Gregar, while I play the Falzar version. So yeah, it was fun fighting, and I think Megaman is cute.


My brother got X5 for some girl who never played it. Since he liked it, he bought another for him.

When I  saw the cover, I said: "Oh wow, Is this beautiful girl the Hero?"

No, but it was Zero! XD   Good times, good times.


Well my first encounter with a megaman game was when  my friend rented MM4, after a while I just saw the RubySpears cartoon and soon enough I chose to get MM 8 when my family bought a Playstation. I was introduced to the X series with MMX4 shortly after and then I just started playing all the other games on emulators. And now here I am, still playing MM9 and waiting for new developments on the MM8 FC project.  XD
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...


Quote from: Asena on September 28, 2009, 03:18:38 PM
When I  saw the cover, I said: "Oh wow, Is this beautiful girl the Hero?"

No, but it was Zero! XD   Good times, good times.

Damn that seductive and sexually confusing Zero!

ST Jestah

Played MM2 (GB) as a kid, and liked it.

Played about an hour of MMX when a friend brought it over when he came to visit, and found it awesome.

And I played MM8 when me and my sister got a PS1 as a gift, that's when I got hooked on the series...


...Also I love blue bots.