Why is it...

Started by Rin, September 24, 2009, 03:16:26 PM

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Why is it that even in an alternate universe, Dr. Light(Or Dr. Hikari in this universe) is responsible for most of the world's problems?

I mean, in the original universe, he creates Robot Masters and [parasitic bomb] goes down bad way because those robots are used it for evil, and then a century later the world is completely [tornado fang]'d up because of his creation called X.

Now, in the EXE series, Hikari created TEH INTERNUT SOCIETY(or whatever) and [parasitic bomb] goes down bad way because internet is used for all kinds of evil. Even his frickin' creation called Proto(Alpha for u AMERIKKANZ) the living internet thingy caused a disaster two [tornado fang]ing times, before it was brought down for good. And what about that thing he worked on with Wily in EXE5? Or that Spectrum thing in the anime?

[spoiler]Or what about that dude Thomas from ZXA? He turns out to be evil too, just like Albert was.[/spoiler]

I mean, holy [parasitic bomb]. Those three different versions of Dr. Light(three if you count you-know-who) are responsible for many of their respective world's problems. Why is it that every version of Dr. Light is such a huge burden on their own world?!

Well, holy [tornado fang]. That looks like some deep [parasitic bomb]. Anyone cares to give me their opinion on this matter?

(C'mon. Let's have some fun, shall we?)


I doubt they put much thought into this. MMBN is just an alternate universe that recycles the original characters... and there's only so much you can do with Dr. Light. Making him the creator of something big again seems logical.

As for the "Dr. Light wrecks everyone's life" matter... I don't think that was his intention. If you create something awesome and give it to the public you have no control over what the public's gonna do with it.


Dont forget that by creating Alpha, that is the reason Bass exe is who he is. Bass was blamed for the original Alpha revolt, and had a nice bg scar slashed onto his chest, turning him into th vengeful guy he is today. (the manga actually shows an account of what happend, but I wont go i to that.)

Yeah, it seems Light is the root of all evils.

Wily is the true hero here!
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Quote from: Acid on September 24, 2009, 03:22:50 PM
If you create something awesome and give it to the public you have no control over what the public's gonna do with it.

That's kind of like the storytelling threads I read.

"You should always be prepared to allow the reader's to wrest control of the story from your hands.
You can plain for an epic story but write with full knowledge that voters might suddenly decide to have the main character shove C4 down his throat, surf sharks and [twin slasher] every living thing."

It actually makes them kind of fun to read!  

Rock Bomb

EVERY DAY! EVERY [Chameleon Stinger] DAY!


QuoteYeah, it seems Light is the root of all evils.

Old joke is so ancient it has died.