
Started by Protodude, November 14, 2008, 03:47:48 AM

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C'mon! Trade avatars!
That's how you Change Places!

Doesn't have to be between the same two people, just grab a random one!


Quick!  Somebody switch to the banned avatar to stop Tails.EXE!


Quote from: Jericho on November 14, 2008, 05:52:46 AM
Wait, wtf? Tails & Akamaru just mindfucked me with their avatars. XD
I was mindfucked. What are you talking about...?

When was the last time I poked you guys...


I got the same response. Also, what's all this about changing places? *Pose* 8D



My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Wanda Bear

What in the WORLD is going on here? Mind [tornado fang]ing.....PB's trustworthy face......craziness.......Its RPM!

Home sweet home


I hope you weren't expecting anything else...  8)

When was the last time I poked you guys...


Quote from: Wanderer on November 14, 2008, 06:01:27 AM
What in the WORLD is going on here? Mind [tornado fang]ing.....PB's trustworthy face......craziness.......Its RPM!


All of this from a Wii regret thread. XD


Off topicness, RPM's greatest speciality 8D

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


Randomly, name change get. XD

Pringer X

lulz Insane people are insane :P


...why's everyone taking PB's avatar?

Pick some other ones!


Someone else took his avatar? boo, now I'm unoriginal. XD


Gaaaaawd, now borockman took PB's avatar, too.



Be original!

Take mine! >_>;


Quote from: Tails.EXE on November 14, 2008, 06:27:42 AM
...why's everyone taking PB's avatar?

Because a page full of PB avatars would be the ultimate mind [tornado fang]? 8D

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


NO... Thats one step closer for PB in taking over RPM...  8D

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Protoman Blues

LoL, as much as I'm loving all this me going around, actually try to stay on topic guys!  Otherwise I'll have to lockity lock this.



Uh, I don't regret it, yay 2009?

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


Quote from: Taiyo on November 14, 2008, 06:31:44 AM
Because a page full of PB avatars would be the ultimate mind [tornado fang]? 8D

More like the ultimate tribute to PB's Ego next to making the entire site PBPM.

Quote from: Akamaru on November 14, 2008, 06:32:48 AM
NO... Thats one step closer for PB in taking over RPM...  8D

Which is ultimately THIS.

But yeah, another good thing about the Wii, it's flexible regarding Internet and TV connections. No need to get rid of it for physical component reasons for a long, long time.

...and well I'd just as soon lug around a SD/HDTV than give up my Wii.


Quote from: Sonic Tengu Man on November 14, 2008, 06:28:25 AM
Someone else took his avatar? boo, now I'm unoriginal. XD
You may know what I'm thinking, but I know what YOU'RE thinking, too! STRRRRANGE, ISN'T IT?!


Quote from: STM on November 14, 2008, 06:44:13 AM
You may know what I'm thinking, but I know what YOU'RE thinking, too! STRRRRANGE, ISN'T IT?!

oh shi- hax. XD

...this topic really is unsalvageable, the persona changes are too much fun.


Oh, like this thread was going places in the first place.


I regretted buying a Wii for myself. Sold it with the 8 games I had with it and 2 wiimotes and so on for $350 back in March.

Two reasons why I don't like the Wii:
1- Not many good games or they lack decency with the wiimote (perhaps I'm too oldschool)
2- I don't wanna be breaking my 58 inch LCD TV or anything else.


Quote from: Nexus on November 14, 2008, 05:12:54 AM
I only have, and I'm completely honest here, two games for my Wii; SSBB (a must-have, of course  bVd ), and "Party Games," which is a third-party shitfest. But I still like my Wii.  >w<
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