(see: his stealth armor)
Sorry, but I can't help myself here.
X's New Armor from Command Mission is called... exactly that. The closest thing to "stealth" and "X" in Command Mission EVER said was Kitabayashi stating in an interview that the intro would show X's
stealthy side. Not that his armor was supposed to be stealthy or what fuc
king ever. Just tell me how an armor that lets out
tongues of red flames (it's that color when you're supposed to be seeing his "stealthy side") out of your back that glow in the dark when you run is supposed to be stealthy. It doesn't make sense, no matter what kind of cookie cutter crap people try to feed you.
On-topic: thank you, now all the erratic pieces of life came together and I
Either way I remember people were saying that in the latter Iwamoto mangas X was a bit of a pervert with Marty. But then again that's from way back when when this lone person maintaning a small MMX shrine had scanned the page where she tails X in the face and said "Look at X's awesome girlfriend from the manga her name is
KARIN"... uh. OK. So whatever. I don't know if it's true and couldn't care less.