I can't think of anything since all the movies I watch aren't entirely bad, and I'm not so butthurt as to exaggerate the cons of the movies I don't like.
Well, except one...
Okay, so there's this princess movie, I can't remember the name, my little sister was watching it, but there was this princess evidently who had been placed under a curse where she had to do whatever someone, anyone for that matter, said. Around the end, which is where I walked in on the movie, the princess was chained to a tree for some reason, as so she could not warn the prince of his assassination by the jealous uncle-whatever, I can't remember exactly who he was, but he wanted the throne. Never heard that happen in a story before.
So the Fairy Godmother of the story shows up, and refuses to help the princess. Of course she just couldn't tell her godmother that the prince was going to be killed as someone probably told her not to, so the godmother had no way of knowing, but plot points that leave the her/heroin in a helpless situation really grind my gears.
Oh, and this is the best part. The plan as to assasinate the prince, as he was to be crowned king, was to poison his crown, so when he puts it on, he dies.
HOW THE [Tornado Fang] DO YOU POISON A CROWN?![/spoiler]
Now after the princess escapes, can't remember how, and warns the prince just as he's about to be crowned king. It's then that the evil unclewhatever, in a fit of rage of how his plan had failed, makes a statement of how he deserves to be king, and that the crown rightfully belongs to him. It's then that he puts the crown on himself, forgetting that it's poisoned, and falls to the ground.
Afterwards the prince is crowned king, the princess is married to him, and the curse is lifted, and they have a big musical number at the end, where we see the evil uncleguy in a wheelbarrel.