Keiang's Sprite Dump

Started by keiang, June 21, 2009, 04:38:58 PM

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Vixy's Biometal

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Total Members Voted: 9


I should probably start with something good...
[SPOILER= Large Image Dump]

Sub Tank

Hard Hat on Jet Sled (I need a better animator...)

Golden Metool/Metaur/Side Effect of Drugs

WIP Maverick

My WIP RMs (Sorry about the crappyness compared to some of my other works, I don't really sprite in 8-bit that much. Also, why did Speedy have to take Velocity Man?)

X's floating, talking head

Ride Armors JKB turned down ( Link due to Resizing...)

16-bit Adion Ride Chaser
More Later.

Dr. Wily II

Hehe, I made a Void Man too... XD

Interesting stuff you have here. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Emiri Landeel

This thread need more attention.
Love the X babbling head owob

The Great Gonzo

Nice!  owob Especially Sub Tank's shading.


I was originally planning to do PB, but Sub Tank is smaller, plus I fail at shading clothes.

May try to do it later though.

I'm also going to change Void Man to Warp Man because of that.

Gotham Ranger

Holy CRAP.. A ride armor with ginormous shields?!

Put PB in it!

Love the work. Sub Tank looks a bit weird on the face shading wise compared to the rest of him, but that could just be me. Also, Met on a Jet. [tornado fang] Yeah.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: GothamAnswer on June 22, 2009, 03:34:33 AM
Holy CRAP.. A ride armor with ginormous shields?!

Put PB in it!

Love the work. Sub Tank looks a bit weird on the face shading wise compared to the rest of him, but that could just be me. Also, Met on a Jet. [tornado fang] Yeah.
For some reason you saying that made me want to put PB in Wily's escape pod.

Nice job on those sprites and Sub Tank looks very kickass.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: GothamAnswer on June 22, 2009, 03:34:33 AM
Holy CRAP.. A ride armor with ginormous shields?!
Put PB in it!
Will do, just gimme some time.
Quote from: GothamAnswer on June 22, 2009, 03:34:33 AM

Sub Tank looks a bit weird on the face shading wise compared to the rest of him, but that could just be me.
As for Sub Tank, its because I did the head and feet separate and the feet ended up having a different light source than the head. I'll fix it later.


This is record time for me, mostly because 8-Bit is a lot simpler and less precise.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: GothamAnswer on June 22, 2009, 03:34:33 AM
Holy CRAP.. A ride armor with ginormous shields?!

Put PB in it!

That's your solution to everything!  XD

Haha, very nice though.

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: keiang on June 22, 2009, 05:27:55 AM
Will do, just gimme some time.As for Sub Tank, its because I did the head and feet separate and the feet ended up having a different light source than the head. I'll fix it later.


This is record time for me, mostly because 8-Bit is a lot simpler and less precise.
Cool sheets of Blast and Momentum there.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Gotham Ranger

Quote from: Protoman Bruce on June 22, 2009, 07:20:05 AM
That's your solution to everything!  XD

Haha, very nice though.
I would not put you into a cake


Update. Decided to remove the explosion from the sheet, since that'll be the generic, non-death explosion.

As for why his scarf flaps when there is no wind, blame video game physics. Like how bubbles come out of X when he's underwater, even though he doesn't breathe.

Protoman Blues

LoL, my own Ride Armor.  Sweet!


Morpheus: "You believe that's air you're breathing?"

How good are you at spriting girls? o.o
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
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Dr. Wily II

Again cool sheets.
I really like how Barricade can transform into a sort of wrecking ball.

And oh boy...
PB in his own Ride Armour... 8D

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote from: Vixy on June 23, 2009, 06:45:36 AM
Morpheus: "You believe that's air you're breathing?"

How good are you at spriting girls? o.o
They typically look like long haired dudes with boobs. I can try to sprite you, but I'm terrified of the end result.

Emiri Landeel

Quote from: keiang on June 23, 2009, 12:41:32 PM
They typically look like long haired dudes with boobs. I can try to sprite you, but I'm terrified of the end result.
Never know until you try ;)
It might turns out to be better than what you think.


Hm. I just noticed I reorganized it every time. I must have a problem.
[SPOILER= Long Description of Bosses]
Warp Man
Yes, he only has four main sprites. Sue me. He shoots the second projectile at Mega Man periodically. If he's hit, it will do minor damage and warp him to another location inside the room (which can be right next to Warp Man, whose contact damage is disturbingly high). If Warp Man himself teleports, the screen'll flash, and the first projectile (which isn't a projectile, although it looks like one) will appear, and Warp Man will fall from it.

Pursuit Man
Pursuit Man fires only one bullet at a time, it's all he needs. There is also that red target reticule, which follows you around the entire battle. If you come into contact with it, Pursuit Man's bullets will get stronger and faster. The bullets themselves also home in, so this boss is a total annoyance.

Blast Man
This boss has pattern very similar to Bomb Man's, on the account that I'm very lazy. He'll fire the first projectile (above his slide) towards Mega Man. Upon contact with him or the floor, it explodes. If Blast Man comes into contact with said explosion, he'll be propelled into the air, and fire his projectiles randomly.

Momentum Man
Rather than the typical boss room, Momentum Man's fight takes place on a boat. Well, you're on a boat anyway, Momentum Man is running on the water, like some cheap video game character from Sega. He throws that blueish fireball looking thing at you upon jumping in the air. He cannot take damage directly from your buster, but he can be stunned. When he is stunned, he'll fall into the water and bounce offscreen (the fight area is scrolling), thus taking damage. During this battle, other enemies also attack you.

Barricade Man
Barricade Man has two major attacks. He can punch the ground (which creates a wave of those blue lumps in the ground) and jump into the air, and try to slam into you from above in as a wrecking ball, during which he is invincible.  Rinse and Repeat.

Recurrence Man
Recurrence Man is a basic robot master, he fights like Gemini Man, but replace the laser with normal buster fire, and get rid of the clone. His annoyance is that when he moves, the five previous movements stay. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but when he fires, they all fire, they also do collision damage and can act as shields.

Energy Man
Energy Man actually isn't a robot, but a sentient electronic signal that takes form by possessing discarded robot shells. There are five shells in his fight area, all of which look exactly the same out of laziness. This means you have to destroy his body five times. Thankfully, this boss is suprisingly easy. His one attack is firing his fist, which functions similar to Forte's fist from the Treble Boost in MM7, but much weaker. When he changes bodies, he moves in the form of that lightning bolt (which I changed from the previous version, because some people told me it looked like... the ejaculation of male gentialia...). Anyway, the lightning passes into the nearest body, and can do collision damage. After all five bodies are destroyed, Energy Man is defeated.

Fracture Man
"DAMN YOU  BREAK MAN!" Fracture Man is broken by design, as he leaves behind dust which can do colision damage (this effect will be handled in game). He also shoots a high powered laser which is kinda like a normal buster shot, but its more powerful and a different  shape.

Recurrence Man
Recurrence Man is a basic robot master, he fights like Gemini Man, but replace the laser with normal buster fire, and get rid of the clone. His annoyance is that when he moves, the five previous movements stay. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but when he fires, they all fire, they also do collision damage and can act as shields.

Anyway, I'm working on the Vixy Sprite Art, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to., so I'm restaring it.

On another note, my computer has issues. When I type on here so much it causes a scroll bar to appear, the scroll bar seems to jump to the beginning of itself every time I'm not pressing a key.

Dr. Wily II

DAH! Warp man! (Yes, I only noticed it now... XD)
Must post Warp Man...

Anyways, really cool Robot Masters and descriptions.
They sound fun to fight against. bVd

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Your Energy man is soo much different from my Energy man.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!



Oh, it's good, just saying.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Emiri Landeel


Is no one going to guess the weakness cycle?

EDIT 1: I also can't find your Energy Man, could you show it to me?

EDIT 2: Wait a minute... *checks Wily II's topic* ...God Damn it. I'm not changing it now, our RM's can share that name.

Dr. Wily II

Lol, sure. XD

As for weakness cycle...


I'm watching you all. Always watching.