Seriously Capcom's acting like idiots not giving us Legends 3.
I kept hearing around that Capcom's not having enough funds to make that game. This is the stupidest thing I've heard so far about a Rockman game. Capcom has millions and millions on theirs hands and they keep wondering if they should give us Legends 3, and we keep asking for it, just what are you waiting for capcom? A Riot?
By the time, we should have already heard about a new ZX title, and yet we din't, -WTF Capcom?- I always tought that the ZX Series sold pretty well, and also, the story can't end like this -ZXA Secret Ending-.
Either capcom's not talking about their game under developpement, or they really gave it up, wich is stupid.
Nooow, when you look at it, the only Rockman game that we've got announced for now is that remake game.
Yeah, I'm sort of happy about that, I'll most likely enjoy it I guess, but that doesn't bring much..tho MMPU and MHX were great remakes.
Anyway, I really want New stuffs from Capcom, something Original, I think we've waited enough for ZX3, I think we've dreamed enough of Legends 3, and I think we asked enough for X9.
So capcom, Seriously, what are you waiting for?