Good day everyone! Ciel here. I wanted to make a thread to dedicate to my wonderful Fxeni and celebrate with you all on his wonderful achievement!
Soon this upcoming month will be Fxeni's graduation ceremony, which I'm personally looking very forward to going to. But most importantly, I wanted to share something with you all.
Fxeni, Paul Durocher, is graduating with a 90% overall average and has received..
AN AWARD!Image of AwardIncluding a check of $500 (Canadian)!
Let's all give our dear Fxeni a wonderful round of applause for his hard work and outstanding achievement.
Oh? Also.. Fxeni was on the news! Rofl.. as well as his classmates. The first person interviewed was one of his friends. Enjoy!
CTV News Cast *note: You might need a facebook account to view* Fxeni can also be spotted in the background, on the right hand side starting at 1:37 in the video.
Edit: I would also like to include some videos of his works. Feel free to enjoy them!
[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]