The Galaxy of Rockman Perfect Memories

Started by Protoman Blues, November 10, 2008, 04:53:09 AM

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Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 13, 2013, 03:33:13 AM
Wait that wasn't part of the deal!


Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 13, 2013, 03:03:30 AM
Totally. Walking around JapCom in a skimpy outfit, causing a distraction while I run in and put my plan into motion!

I believe it was!  :V

Sakura Leic

Okay a Munchlax with Curse and Zen Headbutt plus a Weapon's Shack in SPACE!
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Deal! Again, I'll ship that skimpy outfit to you ASAP!


Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 12, 2013, 06:28:41 AM
The Agony Of Defeat

We join KoiDrake and Dr. Wily II at KoiDrake's Asteroid A. The A stands for Art.

KoiDrake - *escorting Dr. Wily II to the War Room* "And he invited you here?"

Dr. Wily II - "I'm as shocked as you are. Do you have any idea vhat this is all about?"

KoiDrake - "Yeaaaaaaah, I do. See, PB helped me enter this DarkStalkers contest that Capcom had held on the net. Mind you, I didn't have the highest of hopes. Buuuut PB was determined to win. Well, we didn't. He hasn't left my Asteroid A since. You know, the A stands for Art.

Dr. Wily II - *looking around at all the paintings* "So I see."

KoiDrake - "Hey, can I interest you in this Aile drawing. Might spruce up the old lair a bit!"

Dr. Wily II - *staring intently at Aile painting* "I'll pay ANY price!"

KoiDrake - "I'll have it sent to you. Ah, here we are. The War Room."

Dr. Wily II - "Might I ask, vhy do you have a Var Room?"

KoiDrake - "For War, dummy. You think artists are free from violence? I mean, forgoing the constant drawing requests from people. That's what the Turpentine Serpentine at the front gate was for. Then comes the art battles. The Paint Wars of 03' were a dark time filled with death, blood and the color Purporange. And the layers. THE. LAYERS."

Dr. Wily II - *entering the War Room* "Ooooookay.

Protoman Blues - "Wily II. It's about time you showed up!"

Dr. Wily II - "I vas surprised to get your call!"

Protoman Blues - "Listen Doc. I don't like you. I don't like your stupid coat. And I don't like your use of the letter V. However, Capcom has dared to deny KoiDrake and I victory in this contest. THEY SHALL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!!!!"

Dr. Wily II - *a slight tear in his eye while holding his coat* "Vhat is vrong vith my coat?"

KoiDrake - "Look, PB. It's okay. I didn't expect to win anyway. Let's just put down the blueprin..."

Protoman Blues - *ignoring and interrupting KoiDrake* "So look here, Doc. I have the blueprints to JapCom's headquarters. What I need are a few Robot Masters to help me assault the compound and claim our prize. Perhaps a Hypno Man of some kind to change the contest judges minds."

Dr. Wily II - "....Vhat is vrong vith my coat?"

Protoman Blues - "Or, perhaps a Chrono Man to go back in time to change the vote in the first place! Then we won't need a Hypno Man at all. No wait, we'll still need Hypno Man to ensure to judges make the proper vote. Finally we'll need a..."

Dr. Wily II - *ignoring PB while looking at KoiDrake* "....Seriously, i-is something vrong vith my coat?"

KoiDrake - "It looks fine to me."

Protoman Blues - "...and a Pigeon Man to [parasitic bomb] on their cars! That should cover it. Soon, Koi. Soon we shall have our REVENGE!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

KoiDrake - *shrugs* "I suppose. Look, I'll be in my studio if you two need me!"

Later, at Dr. Wily's World Domination Station...


CoatMan - "Yes Master!"

Dr. Wily II - "You vill begin designs on a new lab coat for me!"

CoatMan - *curious* "What was wrong with your old coat?"

Dr. Wily II - "SILENCE!"


PB does not take defeat very well!  B(
This made my day <3

Protoman Blues


And I'm glad it did!  8)

Posted on: February 12, 2013, 09:02:35 PM
Star Trek: Fxeterprize (Part 1: All I Ask Is A Tall Ship...)

Aboard SexStation 2069, we join Fxeni, Quickman, Protoman Blues, and Ninja Lou walking to the aft docking bay...

Quickie - "So I get to be science officer, right?"

Fxeni - "Sure, the job is yours. Well, that's one member of my crew. I'll still need more!"

Ninja Lou - "You're lucky I'm such a big Trek fan, Fxeni. Otherwise I wouldn't be caught dead on this perverted station."

Protoman Blues - "Oh spare me. You came here for the Pinpoint Barrier Massage and you know it. I even gave you a discount cause you got me that MonsterArts Godzilla figure for my birthday!"

Ninja Lou - "Shutuppppp!"

Quickie - "OOOOH. BAJORAN COSPLAY! I'll be in my quarters!" *speeds off at super speed*

Protoman Blues - *thinks about Quickie as a Bajoran* "...well I'm going to enjoy that!"

Ninja Lou - "Hey, I have a great idea. Do you need a Chief of Security?"

Fxeni - "Yes. Again, whole crew needed here!"

Ninja Lou - "Perfect. I'm in."

Fxeni - "Really? Awesome."

Protoman Blues - "He just wants to send Red Shirts to their death!"

Ninja Lou - "Shutuppppp! Now if you'll excuse me. I've got to get...back down to my apartment. To...prepare for this trip!" *teleports away*

Protoman Blues - *shakes head* "He's going back to the massage parlor."

Ninja Lou - *in the distance* "Shutuppppp!"

Fxeni - "So PB, I was just thinking, would you like to be my First Officer?"

Protoman Blues - "Me? Really?"

Fxeni - "I need someone I can trust, someone who knows their way around a starship, and most importantly someone who knows their Star Trek!"

Protoman Blues - "Yeah sure. It should be fun. I get to scream out Red Alert and All Hands to Battle Stations!"

Suddenly SexStation 2069 goes to Red Alert...


Protoman Blues - "Sorrrrrrrrrrry. Sorrrrrrrrry. ADA! Cancel Red Alert!"

ADA - "Cancelling Red Alert. All Hands Stand Down. Commander PB Was Being A Tool Again!"

Protoman Blues - "HEY! Damn back talking A.I."

Fxeni - "You could reprogram that, you know!"

Protoman Blues - "Ehhh, I like bitches! Anyway, back to crew members. We'll need a Helmsman, Engineer, Ship's Counselor, Doctor, and various other positions filled. A Transporter Chief. Tactical Officer. Oh, and plenty of expendables to go on dangerous away missions."

Fxeni - "Right. Man, I'm so happy this thing is finally built. Just look at her!"

PB and Fxeni look out the aft dock window to see the Fxeterprize awaiting to go on its first voyage.

Protoman Blues - "Yeah. It's beautiful alright! Well, let's get you a crew....Captain!"

Fxeni - "Right! Damn that has a nice ring to it."

As Fxeni walks away, PB stops and looks out the window again at the Fxeterprize and softly sighs while lowering his head...


Well I'm writing a Star Trek arc. Yay. I actually have certain crew members in mind for each position that needs a' fillin. However, if you want to be a part of this just let me know in here or via PM what position you'd like and I'll see what I can do for you. You can be on an alien ship. Hell, you could run the bar. Also, like Quickie, you can cosplay as your favorite Star Trek alien race.

Stay Tuned for more!

Sakura Leic

I know nothing of Star Trek, can I still be in?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Sure you can. I actually had a position planned for you!  8)

Sakura Leic

I figured, also why does PB see sad at the end?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

You'll see. Believe it or not, I'm actually sorta trying for story telling this time! XD


I picked a Bajoran because I was a DS9 fan back in the day, and I cosplayed as a Bajoran for Halloween one year.  Had the nose putty and the earring!

Protoman Blues

DS9 was the [parasitic bomb]. I just rewatched it and remembered how much I loved that show. Garak is seriously one of the best characters ever.

Dr. Wily II

Counselor - Forget about the crew. JOIN THE DARK SIDE. THEY HAVE THESE: :cookie:

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


The only Trek I've had the chance to see is the reboot movie, what could be an appropiate position for me? Well, besides red shirt.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Sakura Leic

What the heck is a Pinpoint Barrier Massage?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Solar on February 21, 2013, 07:53:27 PM
The only Trek I've had the chance to see is the reboot movie, what could be an appropiate position for me? Well, besides red shirt.

I'll find a spot for you!

Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 21, 2013, 07:54:59 PM
What the heck is a Pinpoint Barrier Massage?

A Robotech technique pervertedly transformed into a massage!  8D

Posted on: February 21, 2013, 01:12:39 PM
Star Trek: Fxeterprize (Part 2: Stations)

Aboard the U.S.S. Fxeterprize, still docked at SexStation 2069, Captain Fxeni and Commander Blues are inspecting the ship and going over the recent additions to the crew.

Fxeni - "Really? Archer for the position of Ship's Counselor, number one?"

Protoman Blues - "Have I mentioned how much I love that you call me that?"

Fxeni - "Yes. You have. Numerous times."

Protoman Blues - "Just making sure. As for Archer, he's perfect for the position. He has a strong personality and therefore won't be intimidated by the crew's problems or stress. Plus he calls it like he sees it."

Fxeni - "Very well. Make it so, number one! As for your choice of our Engineer..."

Protoman Blues - "I know I know. But really, he's the only one who can understand warp field mechanics!"

Fxeni - "He's INSANE!"

Protoman Blues - "You'd be surprised how much genius and insanity have sex togeth..." *interrupted by Wily II over the comm system*


Fxeni - *sighs* "No we're not, Lt. Commander Wily II. Stop playing around and make sure we are ready to launch at 22:00."

Dr. Wily II - "AYE CAPTAIN! MWAAHAHAHAHAHA!" *closes comm system*

Protoman Blues - *feels Captain Fxeni just staring at him* "...Again, we really don't have many options. I'll get Archer to talk to him!"

Fxeni - "Think it'll help?"

Protoman Blues - "...No."

Fxeni - "Okay. That's two. Who else do we have?"

Protoman Blues - "Let's see here... Oh, I have Vixy as our communications officer. She's fluent in many dialects. She also possess the most heavenly voice, as well as a wicked tongue. Next up, I've assigned Sakura to be our tactical officer. She's very skilled in the field since, you know, I trained her. I also got Solar to be our Doctor, because he's Mexican!"

Fxeni - *stunned* "...what the hell is wrong with you?"

Protoman Blues - "What? Vixy's tongue is extremely skilled at..."

Fxeni - "NOT THAT! I meant Solar!"

Protoman Blues - "He surprisingly knows a lot frontier space medicine!"

Fxeni - "Then why did you mention that he's Mexican?"

Protoman Blues - "...have you ever watched Star Trek? We have to be diversified here! Hell, if we had any Eskimos on RPM I'd have picked them for a Helmsman!"

Ninja Lou - *walking past Fxeni and PB with future security officers* "...and if you get caught in phaser fire, you'll be expected to jump in the way and take it in the chest or groin area. Also, while on alien planets, try every plant possible just to be..."

Fxeni - "Do you have a pick for Helmsman?"

Protoman Blues - "Actually, I was thinking about Cephi for the role!"

Fxeni - "Hmmmm. Experienced with space fighters and piloting. Makes sense!"

Protoman Blues - "Plus she's a little cutie!"

Fxeni - *sighs* "...your motives are concerning at times, number one!"

Quickie - "walks past Fxeni and PB with Solar* "...nose ridges look amazing. Thanks for the cosmetics, Doctor Solar. May you walk with the Prophets!"

Protoman Blues - *sees Quickie as a Bajoran* "I'll...get back to you on the rest of the crew, Captain. I have to go....debrief Commander Quickie...for science!" *runs after Quickie*

Fxeni - "...Why couldn't he be more Vulcan?" *interrupted by Dr. Wily II on the comm system!*


Fxeni - *hits comm button* "Lt. Archer. For the love of GOD, report to Engineering!"


Well that should be all of the official crew members we need. Still though, if anyone else wants to join, I'll always be able to find a spot for you!  8D

This is going to be a silly voyage!

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

Protoman Blues

Nahhh. Just his standard glasses!

Plus he'll have Aile as an assistant in Engineering!  8D

Sakura Leic

Archer would make a good counselor wouldn't he.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 26, 2013, 07:50:35 AM
Plus he'll have Aile as an assistant in Engineering!  8D


I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 26, 2013, 07:53:03 AM
Archer would make a good counselor wouldn't he.

I certainly think so!  :V

Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 26, 2013, 07:54:54 AM




I have definitely got to get in on this shin-dig. Sounds like more fun than moose-wrestling at Tim's.
Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 26, 2013, 07:56:17 AM
But... But... O^O
... Ze one is ze real Aile... Right? Not a hologram... Right? -_-

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 26, 2013, 07:59:11 AM
But... But... O^O
... Ze one is ze real Aile... Right? Not a hologram... Right? -_-

Ix-nay on the oophole-lay!
Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus