I thought it did, especially with that one line about "bolstering the sales of Wii in Japan".
I would like to think so too. But since the article itself did not do anything to confirm/deny anything of the sort, all we can do is just infer that's what's intended.
After all, while a New SMB 2 for the DS would be the stuff of awesome, it's not like the DS/DSi's sales are slowing down. Hell, even New SMB itself is still selling to this day. The Wii is the system that needs a new hit like a crackhead, and a new, well done, EAD Tokyo-crafted Mario could definitely accomplish that.
I also like the notion that some one at GAF brought up about the notion of a "NPC Mario Sunshine". The reliance on camera control that game requires alone would be a bit much to try and adapt to Wii controls. Doing that much in the way of work for an older game just doesn't seem to be in the cards...