Because Sprites INC won't help me.

Started by Rock Bomb, May 18, 2009, 03:15:57 AM

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Rock Bomb

I'm trying to get a game I've played and beaten on No$gba to play on IDeaS with the sav file with it. And to be honest, I've been searching since Saturday for answers. I can name dozens of sites that have failed to answer my questions, google searches that came up empty, or questions similar to mine, but different enough to make result that were unhelpful just to [Tornado Fang] with me. I even went to a site that wouldn't let me download a file unless I registered, and then wouldn't let me register because the admin was so stupid enough to block all hotmail email addresses.

I have but one humble question: Where can I download the sav files for the game I'm looking for? Preferably ones that work with IDeaS, because it has layer disabling, and you probably know this, but IDeaS is SLOW, and it took me a month to beat the game on Nocash. There's no way in hell I'm beating it AGAIN at -2,-3, or -4 speed.


I know GameFAQs always seems to have plenty of DS save files, amongst others.

Rock Bomb

I recall browsing there. All the files are from Action Replay DS files. There is a conversion method, but the conversions are only supported in nocash, as far as emulators go.


Hm yea, iDeaS does let you Import savefiles to it, but with a lot of work and hassle.

The only emulator with a compatible save feature to other flash carts is Nocash.
The other emulators don't have a full-proof save feature, and you have to use save states.

desmume would be good to use for sprite ripping, but it doesn't show sprites for ZX Advent. >U<

I tried all the different save conversions and it looks like none of them works. Nocash is the way to go. D:

The authors should have just co-operated so that they could layer disables and proper save on one working emulator.
But no, they aren't even nice to each other.
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
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Rock Bomb


Well, how about Tile Ripping from Nocash? That was my original question. Tile Molester will load tiles straight from the ROM, but DS roms won't work.