In this new Classic series game, Rockman and Roll are missing, which could mean that some evil scientist might have kidnapped them.
And not only that, said criminal has now unleashed a pack of robots to invade the whole world.
Who is our savior? Who will save us from this new danger?
RUSH MAN!! or just Rush~ ^^
Rush has to enter the lairs of the new robots, destroying their minions, and in end, to defeat them, Rush has to...
Snuggle-glomp all the bosses! lolwut!? Why you ask? ... well the robots, are all Women.
Rush has to get close to the robots, and do his doggie-chores (licking their faces and stuff), until the robot-women get so weak that they can't resist his cuteness and start petting him and snuggling him and stuff. They will be friendly enough to give Rush their weapons.
Gospel/Treble will help out as well, finding out that his master is missing somewhere as well.
The girls that are announced are these:
DFN-001: バッシュウーマン (b
asshu) = Bash Woman
DFN-002: ブラッシュウーマン (bur
asshu) = Brush Woman
DFN-003: カッシュウーマン (k
asshu) = Cash Woman
DFN-004: ダッシュウーマン (d
asshu) = Dash Woman
DFN-005: マッシュウーマン (m
asshu) = Mash Woman
DFN-006: プラッシュウーマン (pur
asshu) = Plush Woman
DFN-007: スマッシュウーマン (sum
asshu) = Smash Woman
DFN-008: トラッシュウーマン (tor
asshu) = Trash Woman
Fortress Bosses will try and stop you too. Returning faces with some changes.
DWN-013: クラッシュウーマン (kur
asshu) = Crash Woman
DWN-014: フラッシュウーマン (fur
asshu) = Flash Woman
DWN-054: スラッシュウーマン (sur
asshu) = Slash Woman
DRN-067: スプラッシュウーマン (supur
asshu) = Splash Woman
Tango is also playable (secretly unlockable) and will have to snuggle and cuddle with the girls the same way to get their weapons.
Beat, Eddie and Rightot are help-units.
If you play as Rush, he will face Gospel in random duels across the game, and the other way around if you play as Gospel.
Tango has to fight Reggae. o.o
Do you have what it takes to save humanity? Fight, Rush, Gospel & Tango! For Everlasting Snuggle!
(RPM, now it's your turn to take the controller! Use your creativity, and design these girls. >v<)