The Official Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver Discussion Thread

Started by Jericho, May 03, 2009, 04:30:49 AM

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Indeed, Mamoswine is one of the best users of Ice Shard; I would seriously consider him for breaking a Dragon-type's attempt at sweeping.  He'd also be pretty valuable against Will's team, from what I can see.  His 'mans are quite formidable, but he has three Ground weaknesses and nothing that resists it.

Quote from: Usagi Sakura on May 15, 2010, 05:12:40 AM
If I come across a Ice/Water type I'll use a Fighting type and I'm pretty sure I won't fight a Gyarados or Pelipper anytime soon if ever.
Well, I guess you know your demograph better than anyone, but on the internet, Gyarados is relatively common.  He has a wide move pool including a physical STAB, Dragon Dance, and Earthquake, so he can be quite deadly.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


I sorta have a good number of trained pokemon so you might see me swicth it up everytime.
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Sakura Leic

Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on May 15, 2010, 10:41:35 AM
lol google translate

Also yeah your team is slow as hell and half of them will probably get killed in one hit. Priority/Scarves everywhere = super good idea. And switch SD to DD on Feraligatr. Or swap him for a Gyarados, Gyarados is way cooler anyway.

You actually might wanna use Mamoswine, tbh. Just so you can ruin To Win the Garchomp. Ice Shard, hoooooo.
Uh SD, DD?  What does that mean?

Quote from: Hypershell on May 15, 2010, 02:57:33 PM
Indeed, Mamoswine is one of the best users of Ice Shard; I would seriously consider him for breaking a Dragon-type's attempt at sweeping.  He'd also be pretty valuable against Will's team, from what I can see.  His 'mans are quite formidable, but he has three Ground weaknesses and nothing that resists it.

Well, I guess you know your demograph better than anyone, but on the internet, Gyarados is relatively common.  He has a wide move pool including a physical STAB, Dragon Dance, and Earthquake, so he can be quite deadly.
Hmm yeah I'll try to think of a speedy Electric type to go against that.  By the way if I do go with Mammoswine who should he replace?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Tickle Buffalo

SD is Swords Dance, DD is Dragon Dance. I figure Feraligatr is slow enough that even if he does get an SD off, he could very well get killed the next turn before he can move. DD helps fix that speed problem right up. He'll do less damage, obviously, but it's probably better to do less damage than to do none because you went down before you could do anything.

I say dump Absol for Mamoswine, but the decision's up to you of course. Absol's job is basically to have a nice attack stat and to use priority moves, and Mamoswine does that too. Just Mamoswine is faster, has a better type on his priority, and has a better movepool.

(You really shoulda been able to work out SD on your own, by the way. Not like there are a lot of moves on your Feraligatr that have the letters S and D in them, are there?)


Speaking of Mamoswine, I actually managed to finally beat Red yesterday using my L77 Mamo.  I was able to Curse 6 times in front of his Pikachu (Snow Cloak + Iron Tail lol) and use 3 X Sp Def (Lapras & Blastoise insurance), and at that point everything on his team was going down with an Ice Shard or an Earthquake.  8)
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Sakura Leic

Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on May 15, 2010, 09:30:04 PM
(You really shoulda been able to work out SD on your own, by the way. Not like there are a lot of moves on your Feraligatr that have the letters S and D in them, are there?)
I didn't think you were talking about moves.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


When was the last time I poked you guys...


Alright, but make it quick.  It's late, and I'm ready to sleep.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Alright. I'll be right online. Use the same team you used last time if you want.

When was the last time I poked you guys...


Good, because I have only those six for my SS cart.  :P  I need to make more trades before I can do any substitutions.

EDITS: And Palkia never got off the bench.  Now you know my real DRAGONITE POWER!!! 8)
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Gah... Can't believe it, but I have no choice but to. I gotta try that move that ups Attack that you used... What I didn't expect is Explosion. Screwed me over right from the start.

When was the last time I poked you guys...


Oh, I have PLENTY of ways to screw someone over; three different pairings in my team to make solid leads.  Too bad for you, because I see what you were trying to do, rigging an anti-lead to my Palkia/Lapras opener.

In all fairness I have had good luck when it comes to screwing you over on turn 1.  Tyranitar/Dragonite is a pretty lousy situation to be in against my Palkia/Lapras combo.  So you rigged for that and it quite literally blew up in your face.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


...  8)

I thought it was a pretty good one myself. However, I never thought in 2v2, the pokemon leading should be covering weaknesses or that there are moves to increase the power of the partner pokmon. Time to go make a 2v2 team then using what I already have... I go numb at the thought of breeding and raising any more pokemon than the 8 I have.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Gotham Ranger

Quote from: Akamaru on May 16, 2010, 07:14:35 AM
...  8)

I thought it was a pretty good one myself. However, I never thought in 2v2, the pokemon leading should be covering weaknesses or that there are moves to increase the power of the partner pokmon. Time to go make a 2v2 team then using what I already have... I go numb at the thought of breeding and raising any more pokemon than the 8 I have.
Action Replay.


Quote from: GothamAnswer on May 16, 2010, 07:15:46 AM
Action Replay.
Solves the catching part, but not in finding the right natures or certain moves. An example is breeding Hydro Pump into my Salamence. Nor does it solve the EV training part.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Gotham Ranger

Quote from: Akamaru on May 16, 2010, 07:19:28 AM
Solves the catching part, but not in finding the right natures or certain moves. An example is breeding Hydro Pump into my Salamence. Nor does it solve the EV training part.
That's probably why I'll never battle any of you, then. I really could not care less about the EV Training or Breeding. I find it too tedious for what will amount to a handful of battles before a new game/gen surfaces. That's only my opinion, though. Shame, I'd love to battle people.


I could do that to: just bring out 6 level 100 pokemon with Master balls. I lost horribly for the next few days. Horribly...  ;^;

I only started doing it now because that is the only way I'll ever beat Hypershell... Even then, I still lost.

When was the last time I poked you guys...


Quote from: Akamaru on May 16, 2010, 07:19:28 AM
Solves the catching part, but not in finding the right natures or certain moves. An example is breeding Hydro Pump into my Salamence. Nor does it solve the EV training part.


My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Gotham Ranger


If I understand correcty, create pokemon with whatever stats and moves you want that you can then import to your game with AR or now by exploiting the GTS.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Gotham Ranger


Quote from: Hypershell on May 16, 2010, 07:07:36 AM
In all fairness I have had good luck when it comes to screwing you over on turn 1.  Tyranitar/Dragonite is a pretty lousy situation to be in against my Palkia/Lapras combo.  So you rigged for that and it quite literally blew up in your face.
Huh? Didn't use a TTar... I thought the Heracross/Latios combo would take out Lapras or Palkia. Depends where you use the Shard. Both of mine are faster so that once Lapras attacks, I can take out one of them. From there just wing it.
Quote from: Taiyo on May 16, 2010, 07:41:56 AM
Morals and ethics. I feel bad using something like this cause it cheapens the game, the oppenents time in effort and training their pokemon (if they did train them... B( ), and the the effort and satisfaction of winning with hard work of training your own.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Gotham Ranger

Quote from: Akamaru on May 16, 2010, 08:27:02 AM
Morals and ethics. I feel bad using something like this cause it cheapens the game, the oppenents time in effort and training their pokemon (if they did train them... B( ), and the the effort and satisfaction of winning with hard work of training your own.
I would find comfort in knowing I would only make Pokemon capable of holding their own, not over powered beasts of "jesus christ what".

I'd also bother levelling them from scratch whenever I could. I mean, I honestly don't have the time or patience to do all that, I just wanna battle with some friends in non serious games, but when so many people go through all that trouble, I gotta take a shortcut :P

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: Akamaru on May 16, 2010, 08:27:02 AM
Morals and ethics. I feel bad using something like this cause it cheapens the game, the oppenents time in effort and training their pokemon (if they did train them... B( ), and the the effort and satisfaction of winning with hard work of training your own.
Seriously Akamaru.
This speech here makes me want to fight you so much now.
Though I know I will lose. Very badly too. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote from: Dr. Thomas Light III. on May 16, 2010, 08:33:07 AM
Seriously Akamaru.
This speech here makes me want to fight you so much now.
Though I know I will lose. Very badly too. XD
Gar. You are one of the other people I want to fight also. Not sure about my pokemon battles. I have a tendency to guess types wrong and have general bad luck in my fights... I don't win unless I see the "You Won" sign in my face.

When was the last time I poked you guys...