My Recorded Replays (Xvid AVI format) are all here~ For now there's 7 Ezio videos, and 27 VixyNyan videos~ ^^
Hmm... Is there going to be a recipe for making Vixy on SCV? o3o
And a recipe would be nice to know what you did to make your enchanting character.
BODYHeight 1/Normal
Upper Arms -20
Forearms -20
Pectorals -20
Hips +20
Thighs -20
Calves -20
Stomach -20
Chest +20 ( wish it would go
beyond that tho, like +40 or +60~
Waist -20
Muscle Mass 0
Face 1
Long (Hairstyle)
Eyebrows 12
Young Lady/0/0/None (Voice)
EQUIPMENT------------ (All)
Hair Band (Head)
------------ (Face)
Tiger Lily Stockings (Undergarments)
Dancer's Top (Upper Body)
------------ (Upper Body Covering)
------------ (Lower Body)
Sash Ribbon (Hip)
Ribbon Tie (Neck and Back)
Adept's Sleeves (Arm)
------------ (Shoulder)
------------ (Ankle)
Lily Greaves (Feet)
Bow (Special 1)
> Head (Location)
> Horizontal +20
> Vertical -20
> Back -2
> Width -50
> Length -50
> Depth -50
> Rotate Vertically 0
> Rotate Horizontally +74
> Angle 0
Cat Tail (Special 2)
> Hips (Location)
> Horizontal 0
> Vertical 0
> Back 0
> Width +50
> Length +50
> Depth +50
> Rotate Vertically 0
> Rotate Horizontally 0
> Angle -180
Earrings (Special 3)
> Default Settings (0 on everything)
WEAPON/STYLEChoose any style you're comfortable with or can easily use.
I normally pick Xiba or Siegfried.
COLORS/PATTERNS/STICKERSSkin: Default Colors 2:7,2
Undergarments: 9:0,0 (White)
Hair, Facial & Eyebrow: Default Colors (Don't Touch This One)
Hair: 9:55,25 (Purple)
Face Paint: Choose No.1, No.5 or Remove Patterns, depending on what you think looks the cutest.
Eyebrow: 9:0,31 (Black)
Eye 1: 9:63,15 (Red)
Eye 2: 9:0,0 (White)
All Equipment: Default Colors (Don't Touch This One)
Head 1: 9:63,15 (Red)
Head 2: 9:0,0 (White)
Face: None
Undergarments 1: 9:0,0 (White)
Undergarments 2: 9:63,15 (Pink)
Upper Body 1: 9:0,0 (White)
Upper Body 2: 9:0,0 (White)
Upper Body Covering: None
Lower Body: None
Hip: 9:63,15 (Red)
Neck and Back: 9:63,15 (Red)
Arm 1: 9:0,0 (White)
Arm 2: 9:63,15 (Red)
Arm 3: 9:63,15 (Red)
Shoulders: None
Ankle: None
Feet: Default Colors ( I haven't decided what colors to use here.
Specialized 1: 9:63,15 (Red)
Specialized 2: 9:0,0 (White)
Specialized 3: 9:63,15 (Red)