Anyone getting tired of this?

Started by Marnic, April 14, 2009, 06:46:15 PM

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I have come to once again fulfill my duties as a video gamer and criticize games instead of playing them.

Is Capcom master-trolling us or something? The whole series (starting from Megaman Battle Network, for whatever reason I consider these two one in a same) has started to get sort of repetitive.
I haven't tried the later games in this series in specific, just the first one, I heard 3 was supposed to be better and all, but c'mon seriously?

And what's this I'm hearing about a 4th installment? Capcom must fancy copying and pasting but why push aside other games for this? I want X9 or some crazy [parasitic bomb].

Tickle Buffalo

Companies aren't bound to only make games you enjoy.


I find your rant amusing because you [sonic slicer] about copying and pasting, then ask for X9.


The "rumored" 4th installment discussion, is based on the "Rockman Boss Character Contest", that already has a decided winner.

Something everyone should remember, first and foremost, the Rockman franchise was (and still is) aimed for children.
That's why they focused on making the games appeal to them, being the fact that the series were cartoon style games, no blood or gore, with only mild violence. When the core fans of the series gets older, it's obvious that any newer versions of the franchise (EXE and Shooting Star) gets the big boot while trying to pull in new fans to Rockman in general.

Complaints isn't just for Rockman alone, it's pretty much every game or media out there. Everyone gets nit-picky because their favorite company doesn't make their favorite games or whatever. People have to understand that it's very difficult to make something that appeals to everyone and not lose a lot of money in the process.

When a side-scrolling game in the Rockman franchise comes out, or a new Rockman DASH, a big fear would be if the game would meet the core fans' expectations at all, or if they will nit-pick about every single detail over and over again until a sequel comes out that meets their expectations. The complaints will repeat themselves over and over again and it's not fun to hear them, especially not if the company hears them.

Because Rockman 9 was pretty much the best games to come out in like ever (and one of my personal favorites), Capcom don't want to make mistakes on this opportunity to create a sequel to something else, and make it as amazing as Rockman 9 was. These fine-tunings and observations and analysis from Rockman fans and inside-developers in the company takes time. Just wait. A new Rockman game as great as Rockman 9 (but for X and DASH series) will come out when there's less nagging about it and when the moment is right. ^^
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on April 14, 2009, 06:50:36 PM
Companies aren't bound to only make games you enjoy.

I'm speaking on behalf of other people as well. But by all means, I am too just growing tired of seeing games like BN or SF being released when the fans are begging for a game from another series to be released instead of this. It's as if Capcom totally are ignoring the fans, which is disappointing.
I'm aware there are fans that like this series as well. All things considered, it's hard to express ones opinion on the internet, I'd be stupid to say there weren't fans of these games. I didn't mean to say that Capcom would stop making these games entierly but I'd love to see another side-scrolling Megaman game out there soon...even though I was sort of disappointed with the ZX series.

Quote from: Fxeni on April 14, 2009, 06:52:48 PM
I find your rant amusing because you [sonic slicer] about copying and pasting, then ask for X9.

Oh man, that hurt. Well, I guess it's partly true. Although I didn't mean JUST X9, maybe it wasn't too obvious the way I said it.

Quote from: Vixy on April 14, 2009, 06:59:07 PM
Something everyone should remember, first and foremost, the Rockman franchise was (and still is) aimed for children.
That's why they focused on making the games appeal to them, being the fact that the series were cartoon style games, no blood or gore, with only mild violence. When the core fans of the series gets older, it's obvious that any newer versions of the franchise (EXE and Shooting Star) gets the big boot while trying to pull in new fans to Rockman in general.

Yeah...guess I didn't think of it that way before. Good point.

Quote from: Vixy on April 14, 2009, 06:59:07 PM
When a side-scrolling game in the Rockman franchise comes out, or a new Rockman DASH, a big fear would be if the game would meet the core fans' expectations at all, or if they will nit-pick about every single detail over and over again until a sequel comes out that meets their expectations. The complaints will repeat themselves over and over again and it's not fun to hear them, especially not if the company hears them.

Oh man, did I just mention my opinon ZX series? I see truth in your words, oh wise one.


Besides all of that, repetitive?

Man, you're talking about the way wrong series. Mega Man games are all about bringing you the good stuff again, with only one or two well-thought out changes in pace (...okay, aside from Rush Cycle and the Ride Chasers).

So I can only guess here that one might think that Capcom is not choosing the right tweaks to make to the series.
And, to an extent, that's true, albeit subjective, so I can really only base this on very recent general sales and feedback the retail part of the industry has generated:

MM9 was by all accounts great, but many people are incompatible with the digital-buying format. A nitpick, really.
MMZ2 was okay, 3 did very well, then 4 was mediocre.
MMZX sells very well by all accounts, whereas ZXA is only liked by a very small niche.
MMEXE 1-3 were good, 4 and 5 are dogs, but 6 is a bit harder to find and had better pacing through gameplay tweaks such as the easily accessible Crosses.
MMSF 1 and 2 were a bit low, and 3 was to an extent, but fans did like the gameplay tweaks.

So with SF3 and MM9 as our latest points of reference compared to ZXA and SF2, I'm very, very optimistic about the next Mega Man game.


Thing is, these games do sell rather well, but it's not necessarily the older fans of the series that buy them (or, in this case, ask for the game to be bought for them). As Vixy said, Rockman is for the children first and foremost, so they'll make games based upon what is popular for the kids. Classic sidescrolling games... just isn't that popular in the overall scheme of things nowadays, as heart wrenching as it is for me to admit. If people don't see something unique about the game, they probably won't buy it. Hell, if they do see something somewhat unique, they dismiss it as a gimmick and focus on how it's the same in most other aspects (ZXA, for example). There's just no pleasing people that are so entrenched in a certain mindset, so why bother with them when they can focus on a whole new generation that's generally more accepting and willing to buy the "copy&paste" games they toss out.


Quote from: Aldo on April 14, 2009, 07:39:09 PM
Besides all of that, repetitive?

I'm cornered, I'm sorry, I can't find an argument to beat that. Strangely enough, I saw it coming the moment I wrote the opening post.
I guess I'm just much more for another more action-filled title than another Megaman RPG, huh.


Quote from: Marnic on April 14, 2009, 07:46:50 PM
I'm cornered, I'm sorry, I can't find an argument to beat that. Strangely enough, I saw it coming the moment I wrote the opening post.
I guess I'm just much more for another more action-filled title than another Megaman RPG, huh.
That goes for most of us. Don't worry, a lot of us understand fully how you feel. I, for one, don't see the appeal in BN and SF, and don't particularly enjoy them. I do see how it does appeal to other people though, and that most of these said people are of a newer generation. Just the way it works, I suppose.

Tickle Buffalo

Quote from: Marnic on April 14, 2009, 07:32:58 PM
I'm speaking on behalf of other people as well. But by all means, I am too just growing tired of seeing games like BN or SF being released when the fans are begging for a game from another series to be released instead of this. It's as if Capcom totally are ignoring the fans, which is disappointing.
I'm aware there are fans that like this series as well.

But they're still making sidescrolling games, like Megaman 9. Do you want them to stop making any other types of games, or what?

The world doesn't revolve around you, dude. :/

Also seriously can you knock the fake altruism off? You want more sidescrollers because you like them. You don't really care about fan demand, do you?


Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on April 14, 2009, 07:59:24 PM
But they're still making sidescrolling games, like Megaman 9. Do you want them to stop making any other types of games, or what?

The world doesn't revolve around you, dude. :/

Also seriously can you knock the fake altruism off? You want more sidescrollers because you like them. You don't really care about fan demand, do you?

Why do I have a feeling you only read what you wanted to read?
You got it all wrong, I even said I didn't want them to stop making the games, I just wanted them to push aside other series for it.

I never said other people's opinions were important to those of my own but just because of that I'm not going to ignore em, I simply said that many share the same opinions as I do. And seeing as other fans than I want to see another sidescroller, wouldn't it be just as fair for us to get that as it is for the ones who want the RPGs to get theirs?

Some of us probably feel left out because of it.

I'd love it if you could read more of my post instead of just jumping to quick conclusions just after seeing 2 words. You didn't even quote the part where I said I didn't want them to stop making games.

Haha, oh well.

Tickle Buffalo

I'm sure the SF fans would feel left out if they cancelled SF4 in order to make more X games, which seems to be what you want, judging from your first post.

It's a shame they don't have some mystical figurehead to speak for them like sidescrolling fans do in you.


Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on April 14, 2009, 08:14:31 PM
I'm sure the SF fans would feel left out if they cancelled SF4 in order to make more X games, which seems to be what you want, judging from your first post.

It's a shame they don't have some mystical figurehead to speak for them like sidescrolling fans do in you.

Again, I never told them to cancel it. Sorry if I made you you got the wrong idea.
I still love RPGs though.

Tickle Buffalo

So, you brought it up... why? Was it just to illustrate how unfair it is that they're possibly getting a fourth game, while X fans have to make do with eight, or are you upset that they've had two games since the last sidescrolling one, instead of keeping a proper 1:1 ratio, or, well, what? Talk to me dude.


Quote from: Fxeni on April 14, 2009, 07:43:56 PM
There's just no pleasing people that are so entrenched in a certain mindset, so why bother with them when they can focus on a whole new generation that's generally more accepting and willing to buy the "copy&paste" games they toss out.

Because then you become Sonic Team.

Quote from: Marnic on April 14, 2009, 07:46:50 PM
I'm cornered, I'm sorry, I can't find an argument to beat that. Strangely enough, I saw it coming the moment I wrote the opening post.
I guess I'm just much more for another more action-filled title than another Megaman RPG, huh.

I know, and understand. I'd like to see a new Mega Man X game, CM2, X9, Xtreme 3, whatever.
All I'm saying is, you knew someone was going to bring up that Mega Man games have forever been repetitive, even during Classic.

I think that's why Mario does so well, and people are looking forward to Explodemon.


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on April 14, 2009, 08:25:49 PM
So, you brought it up... why? Was it just to illustrate how unfair it is that they're possibly getting a fourth game, while X fans have to make do with eight, or are you upset that they've had two games since the last sidescrolling one, instead of keeping a proper 1:1 ratio, or, well, what? Talk to me dude.

No, you pretty much got it right there. I'm trying to say that I understand how the other fans feel as well, being from either side. I was just in shock because of the rumour.
Be honest with me man, do you think it's fair that the BN/SF fans get a game each year and we have to wait about a decade before we can get something new for us?
I'm glad they're taking their time working on the actual games making it as good as possible and all, if they're working on it at all. I'm pretty sure they have their reasons of not doing it as well. I just can't feel enough megaman games other than those RPGs in the air.

Try not to get offended by it though, this could all be just my opinion. Not only X9 how about something else everybody else have been waiting for, like Megaman Legends 3, or if you'd like another RPG, another Command Mission might be fun.

Quote from: Vixy on April 14, 2009, 08:32:58 PM
Well, not counting "all" cellphone games (because it's hard to find all of them), we have...

31 Classics (Six are Complete Works, Two are Remakes, Two are Collections)
13 X's (One is a Remake, One is a Collection)
4 Zero's
2 ZX's
4 DASH's
16 EXE's (One is a Re-release, Five exists in 2 versions)
3 Shooting Stars

That's a lot. ^^

Although...are remakes and ports actually considered as new experience? Re-newed, I guess, but not entierly new.
There are those Legends cellphone games though. But who'd seriously go to japan only to play games on a cellphone?

Protoman Blues

Nerds are, for the most part, impossible to please.  No matter what companies give you, it'll never be enough.


Thank you, PB. Just the post I waited for.
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Quote from: Protomi Blugada on April 14, 2009, 08:44:00 PM
Nerds are, for the most part, impossible to please.  No matter what companies give you, it'll never be enough.

I think we can extend that to all of humanity, but that's just my opinion.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


Quote from: Protomi Blugada on April 14, 2009, 08:44:00 PM
Nerds are, for the most part, impossible to please.  No matter what companies give you, it'll never be enough.

Compliments won't get you anywhere missy. *wink*


Quote from: Aldo on April 14, 2009, 08:30:09 PM
Because then you become Sonic Team.
Was just giving the company's point of view, never said it always led to good games :P

Tickle Buffalo

Quote from: Marnic on April 14, 2009, 08:37:16 PM
No, you pretty much got it right there. I'm trying to say that I understand how the other fans feel as well, being from either side. I was just in shock because of the rumour.
Be honest with me man, do you think it's fair that the BN/SF fans get a game each year and we have to wait about a decade before we can get something new for us?

What? There was like a year between each Zero/ZX game. How are you turning a year into a decade?
And fair? Why should I care if it's fair or not? I'm not some child that'll complain if someone other than myself experiences good fortune. Are, are you?

Protoman Blues

It'll always be the case. 

-"Why doesn't he slide or have the Charge Shot?"
-"Why is it 8-Bit?"
-"Why is it only downloadable?"
-"Why doesn't it connect to the X series?"

Soon, with MMX9
-"Why can't you play as the Navigators again?"
-"Another new character? Come the [tornado fang] on!"
-"The story sucks."


Quote from: Protomi Blugada on April 14, 2009, 08:51:47 PM
Soon, with MMX9
-"Why can't you play as the Navigators again?"
-"Another new character? Come the [tornado fang] on!"
-"The story sucks."

Yea. ^^ You're right there.
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~