Some groceries, Chinese take-out, and a Halloween costume, because I lack the materials and time to make my own, this year. Though, I may see what I can do with this costume and my other props...
Posted on: October 15, 2012, 09:17:51 AM
Let's see...
-Groceries, including ice cream
-Candy and stuff to give to trick-or-treaters
-More Halloween decorations, including:
**"Insane Asylum" sign
**Bloodied gauze sheet
**More spiders
**Random internal organs wrapped like butcher meat
**A small crow
-Duct tape in the following colors:
**Black (two rolls)
**White (two rolls)
**Chrome (one roll)
-Transparent shipping tape
-Paper towels
I started redressing parts of the costume I bought last time, which I'll finish tomorrow, along with building some props. I'm considering some options for this Grim Reaper costume, including building a Darth Revan mask, as the cloak can double for a quick-and-easy Sith Lord. I can change my lightsaber's blade color, too. The wings that came with the costume are being redressed and may end up being used for something else.