I already paid for my Japanese release version. So I'm paitently awaiting that.
Posted on: April 28, 2011, 09:07:55 PM
For anybody who cares, I've gotten my D-Arts X.
Its pretty damn awesome.
There is a little bit of plastic on both the charged and triple shots that make for a sort of "energy wave", they can be removed, but I don't really see the purpose.
Articulation is good, a little complicated at times but not bad.
The Charged shot piece is a huge chunk of solid softish plastic, if you don't pose X correctly or use a stand, he will lose balance and fall. It was fine all day then suddenly he fell off the shelf. Its fine now. Just a word of warning.
Oh, the Zero is called "Zero [1st. Ver]", I think there's going to be a second release.