I have hostilities towards celebrities that are famous for pointless things, such as being related to or dating famous people, having LOTS of kids in one sitting, or just being pretty and getting drunk at parties.
Paris Hilton and the like?
I love dispensing random, worthless facts about myself.
Posted on: January 04, 2013, 11:44:16 PM
I don't post in the Entertainment forum, so I find it annoying when people post in there because that means I have to manually go into that board to make the unread topics thing on the "Off the Wall" to go be marked as read, I don't just mark everything as read because there might have been something in a different topic that I hadn't read yet.
[spoiler=lurv related bullshit]
I absolutely despise when people tell me stuff like "Well you do stuff on computers maybe you should try looking for somebody on eharmony or something", because that's stupid, I'm not paying money for a website to give me "matches" that will more often than not be a bad match. I'm also not going to do something that requires me to drive a long distance just to meet somebody only for a so-called date to be a bust. That's stupid, and a waste of money. [tornado fang] that. Not only that, but if I'm actually intending on trying to find somebody that I would consider being with (Which I have never done), I would want to either meet somebody in person or through something online that isn't a [tornado fang]ing subscription service.[/spoiler]
Unrelated to the above, I'm slowly starting to feel that Stocking is getting distant.
I guess I'm truly turning into a normalfag.