I heard from another topic that Capcom was making Maverick Hunter X6. I think this is fantastic, because my favorite part of X6 was saving floating reploids from being tentacle raped. Since this will be a complete graphical remake of X6, I thought they could revamp the rescue system as well. I've listed several ways to improve upon it:
• Savable reploids should appear during boss fights.
• Reploids must be escorted to "safe zones" after touching them, instead of instantly being teleported out of the stage. During this period, they can be damaged by everything that damages the player. The amount of HP they have is determined by your
• Each reploid should grant access to a critical item, instead of just half of them. And more critical. For example, the very first reploid you encounter unlocks the ability to save your game. If it dies, you cannot save.
• There should be a 3D vehicle stage with savable reploids, like that one level in X7. The bomb defusing objective under a time limit was a nice touch, but they could have made it underwater and added environmental damage, like electric seaweed.