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Gaming / Re: Phantasy Star Online 2 Thr...
Last post by Link-NM - February 26, 2025, 10:34:47 AM
Ah, so Rockman PM did have a PSO2 topic already? Guess I don't need to make a new one then. 😅

Quote from: Frozen Potato on November 19, 2016, 08:09:33 AMAlso please don't bring up when Western Server is coming, because there're zero news about it within the past 3 years.

Heh... It's a thing now, though. 😅

IMO, this thread's title should be swapped to just "PSO2" now. In fact, I might as well go ahead and do so.

Also, here's the picture of our latest maintenance shot. Taken by @VixyNyan (

We're in Ship 1, PSO2 Global.
Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
Last post by Link-NM - February 25, 2025, 10:40:19 PM
Ah, a Mario Kart thread. And last message was during the Wii U era. 😅

So much has happened since then. There's Mario Kart Tour and the whole Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Switch plus the DLC.

And now the upcoming new Mario Kart for Switch 2 with what seems redesigned character designs that Nintendo is going for based on the classic ones. Super Mario Bros Wonder already did the first step. (To be honest, though, not convinced about the new voices or how Nintendo decided to suddenly swap them)

Emulation / Re: Unlocking the PC version o...
Last post by Link-NM - February 25, 2025, 02:24:29 AM
Quote from: TheRedFlash on January 19, 2025, 09:31:54 PMYou should really look into Final Weapon, it's genuinely the best way to play X4 game. I think the only issue is that most people (reasonably) do not turn to the PC versions when modding, as interesting as it would be as a base. It's still weird they exist tbh.

You could make a new thread for it, you know. Helps bringing the forum back alive too.  ;)
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man X: Corrupted (fla...
Last post by Link-NM - February 25, 2025, 01:36:03 AM
Of course this game would have a thread in here. The wait for the release still goes on.  >U<

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General / Re: What the hell is happening...
Last post by Link-NM - February 24, 2025, 07:58:59 PM
I think the situation of new bot accounts is now under control. I left it overnight with the new bans in place and it seems to be doing well.

A lot of cleaning up has been done too but still quite a bit remains so I am working on that whenever I get chance.

Also, even though there's not much Rockman news nowadays, you can and it's encouraged to use the other general gaming sections too. Vixy has mentioned me before that she would like to cover more than just Rockman.

Some of the things I've seen here while cleaning up haven't really aged well. 😅

Bot situation is definitely under control now, though. The Roleplaying area is pretty much clean now.

The spam caused by one specific bot (xemiroth) is pretty huge. I'll be contacting Vixy in private about it since the account was deleted and the only way to group up all its messages now is through direct access to the database. In the meantime, please ignore those messages or let me know here if there's a specific topic you want cleaned up.
General / Re: What the hell is happening...
Last post by Link-NM - February 23, 2025, 10:41:31 PM
So I guess I'm a mod now. Sorry for suddenly disappearing but things got quite busy on my side after that last message I sent.

But I guess it's time to clean up a few things over here.

Also, for anyone trying to register, I think Vixy now set it so activation is manual. So we'll get to your registration as soon as possible. Just make sure your account details look good and not suspicious and we'll give you the clear.

Actually, it's still through the regular process but I got a report from someone who contacted me through my blog that the server sometimes doesn't seem to be sending the e-mails. Either way, we can activate accounts manually and I'll be keeping an eye on accounts needing activation. Same as before, make sure the account details you write look good and not spam bot like.
General / Re: What the hell is happening...
Last post by TheRedFlash - February 08, 2025, 10:20:16 AM
Well, it was good while it lasted. Can't blame people. Even beyond this site, Rockman isn't getting any new content, and is slowly fading in the minds of many. I'll still check every so often, and getting people's attention was cool, but it does suck that no one is here consistently and actively. Rock on to anyone who randomly comes across this place.
General / Re: What the hell is happening...
Last post by TheRedFlash - January 23, 2025, 06:51:29 AM
Why is it so bad for this site in particular? What use is there in spamming this obscure, old-school forum? Who is even going to see this, let alone click on most of the garbage they send here? I just don't get it.
General / Re: What the hell is happening...
Last post by Link-NM - January 23, 2025, 02:13:44 AM
Hmm... I see. They do tend to be quite aggressive with the spam when they appear. Probably temporarily disabling registrations could help while the bots and spam is being delt with. I think Vixy tried cleaning up a bit too when she fixed up the theme a few days ago.

I also know that old spam bot accounts don't really log in again so once you reach those accounts, you can try slowly opening up registrations, maybe with additional verification that bots will struggle with.

But honestly, any effort does help a bit. It's just quite a lot of spam atm so it'll take quite a while.
General / Re: What the hell is happening...
Last post by Phi - January 23, 2025, 12:31:00 AM
Quote from: Link-NM on January 20, 2025, 02:09:12 AMYeah, it is a lot of spam and bots atm. But it's actually not a lot of work. It's just a bit time consuming.  Basically, you target the bot accounts and delete their account together with all messages. I've had to do that with my forum at one point too. 😅

I deleted a significant amount of bot accounts at one point, and more of them kept registering accounts, so my efforts did not help