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Messages - KudosForce

Fan Games / Re: (Japanese) Roll-Chan Fan Game
July 24, 2013, 01:23:29 PM
Are you sure you've searched thoroughly? It is in this sub-forum though... ::)
Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
April 05, 2012, 09:51:32 PM
In the latest Nintendo Power issue, there's another interview with Ian Flynn, which is accompanied by some sketches. Some of them involve Quake Woman, whom is equipped with swappable drill and sonic weapons and can be seen out of her armor. Also, her civilian name is Tempo.

Well, that helps make her a little more interesting, at least.

Quote from: Turian on April 05, 2012, 06:31:33 PM
In order to preserve the spirit of Mega Man, they should cancel the comic after a cliffhanger. Then announce the comic is coming back, then cancel that [parasitic bomb] AGAIN!

Er, too soon for that kind of joke.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
April 05, 2012, 04:04:43 AM
*reads spoilers*


Er, okay, I'm not sure about following this project anymore.  '>.>

*quietly slinks away*
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
April 04, 2012, 10:56:20 PM
Quote from: Yoku Man on April 04, 2012, 04:10:29 AMFunny enough, there is one character that has potential in this story. I invented her quite a long time ago for another project. Her name was Duet, and quite simply she was going to be a love interest for Mega Man. I kind of lost interest in that fangame idea after Rokko Chan came out (as she turned out to be an exact clone of how I imagined Duet). But now that I put two and two together, Duo and Duet...

Perhaps there could be a connection. I could totally redesign the character of Duet to fit this story and still make use of the name. Always fun to have musical puns for characters in the Mega Man Universe.

I was thinking about a leader: an empress or princess. Duet could be that character.

Nice to see that you've repurposed her. Before this happened, I thought she was going to be a Mary Sue.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
April 04, 2012, 03:10:17 AM
Quote from: Yoku Man on April 04, 2012, 02:20:32 AMWhat I haven't decided yet is how exactly he gets trapped there and how the Moon is involved. I just know I liked your idea about it flashing in different colours and it peeking the interest of Dr Light, asking Mega Man to go investigate.

Well then, I have a suggestion that may interest you, regarding that particular element of the plot.

How about having a dimensional portal placed near the dark side of the moon, which the Constellation Stardroids use to travel through for their possible invasion, like the one seen in Interstella 5555 ( It could work as a homage to that, too.  
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
April 01, 2012, 09:42:33 PM
Quote from: N-Mario on April 01, 2012, 09:13:05 PM
In all honesty, fan games should have their own sub titles like MegaMan Starbound, while the official games stick with the numbers. ;)

That didn't stop the Mother 4 crew...
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 30, 2012, 07:26:26 PM
Quote from: Yoku Man on March 30, 2012, 02:24:36 PM
In Super Adventure Rockman, Ra Moon copied all the data from Dr Wily's laptop to recreate all his MM2 and MM3 robot masters. Its quite possible he copied Doc Robots data then as well. Well, thats the explanation I'll be using in my fanon. :)

Being a super computer he only needs a microsecond to recreate robots too, he can make them in a flash. Hense why he's a SUPER Computer. Ra Moon would naturally be pissed at his previous defeat by Mega Man, and even more pissed after learning his Stardroids had come looking for him and been defeated by Mega Man as well! So this would be a means to exact revenge by siccing the 8 original stardroids against him again through Doc Robot M - 359.

Ahh, I see. That seems sensible enough (although using SAR's events means that people died in this continuity, [spoiler]i.e. military transportation having been blown up[/spoiler] which I find rather dubious '>.>).

In that case, i'll be looking forward to see how the boss fight goes.

Quote from: RetroRespecter on March 30, 2012, 04:08:51 PM
If that is the case, why not use Ra Moon to recreate the original 8 Stardroids and Terra himself?

Simple, really; Considering that the original Stardroids have failed already, it's likely Ra Moon now considers them too ineffective to stop Mega Man on their own.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 30, 2012, 02:02:32 PM
Quote from: Yoku Man on March 30, 2012, 02:56:10 AM
Its a first draft, theres room for improvement and less detail.

Oh, and theres an easy explanation for why a Doc Robot would show up.... Ra Moon.

Hmm, fair enough.

However, as for how Ra Moon even managed to somehow acquire data for designing a similar robot...I'd, er, think you need to think this one all the way through. -u-'
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 29, 2012, 11:37:09 PM
That's neat, but why a Doc Robot? As far as I know, the New!Stardroids have nothing to do with Dr. Wily or his skull motif.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 19, 2012, 10:11:02 PM
Personally, I think it'd be preferable if there was no "frankenspriting" or editing involved. That just seems like, well...taking the easy way out in a non-professional way. :\
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 05, 2012, 08:25:20 PM
Well, that's fair enough, then.

With that said, it's nice to hear you guys will take the low-profile route.  owob It's best to adopt that strategy rather than post frequent updates and be pestered for the 10 000th time.

Good luck with your endeavor! I'm curious to see the results of this project.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 05, 2012, 07:59:57 PM
That sounds like a neat concept, but the only problem is how to get it back.

As such, allow me to suggest this: when you defeat said enemy that stole MM's helmet, it can drop an item shaped like a 1-UP, but without the face. Once you pick it up, MM will get his helmet back.

So, what do you think?
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 03, 2012, 04:08:05 AM
Gotta say that I agree with that last suggestion, since such a naming scheme would serve as a book end of sorts.

That and having Vega would serve as a neat nod to Star Force.

I apologize for not taking you into account earlier, by the way. I feel a tad ashamed.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 02, 2012, 11:18:23 PM
Er...wouldn't that complicate things? Most people wouldn't casually know the names of such planets. In this case, you'd have to use constellations instead (as those are very distant).

So, unless there's somebody who's an astronomy buff won't get much results, I'm afraid. But hey, I won't judge. Whatever floats your boat.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
March 02, 2012, 09:41:59 PM
If I may, I have one simple suggestion for StarSims, so I won't waste anyone's time for long.

Since you're set on using Stardroids again, how about using brand-new ones based on the constellations or even some of the planets' moons? That would easily make them as memorable as and distinct from the previous set in MMV. Using the same set as last time would be fairly redundant and lazy, even by GB standards, imo (and those games recycle RMs from the NES entries).
Well then, I'm glad to hear it. This lifts a burden off my shoulders, I'd have to say.

Also, I do forgive you. :) I feel a bit disappointed, yes, but that's natural. After all, everyone's good at some things, but no one is good at everything.

As for giving me credit...Well, perhaps a spot in the "Special Thanks" section will have to do. ;)

On that note, fight for everlasting peace, Gatuca!
Well, yes. '>.>

Now, I don't mind Roll starring in her own game. Of course, the idea of a new villain is nice.

Though, in a game where Roll gets to shine, it's rather jarring to see so much pro-feminism in there, but that's acceptable. Though, the story developments get somewhat absurd, even though it's not meant to be serious (a fat Mega Man fake? :o Um, sure).

The main thing here, though, is that it's too long. Sure, you can do what you wish since it's your story, but you must know that people play Mega Man games for quick blasts of fun, not stories that lasts 3 hours. It's not an RPG, you know. Besides, you wouldn't want your audience to get fed up when they reach the ending.

If you want to do a long story, I think you might be better off doing what Blackhook did and turn the game's story into a sprite comic. That way, you might see better if people like it. Who knows? it might work out for you.

That said, I've also become disillusioned with RPM as a whole (nicer people nonwithstanding). I'm sorry to say this...:chant: I hope there's no hard feelings, rather.
Alright, but I do hope it's the last time. I feel ashamed to be a part of this (whatwith the story being so long, convoluted and ridiculous -u-').

Besides, I've become much more involved in the new team that I'm a part of, these days.

HOWEVER...I might accomplish your favor, when I get enough time. ;) So, no worries.

That said, that Dr. Witty illustration is decent enough. I've gotta admit that the color choices are interesting.
Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
November 07, 2010, 02:32:20 AM
Nah, I don't play PC games, except for freeware, fan games and emulated games.
Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
November 07, 2010, 12:09:07 AM
Unfortunately, I can't, since:

1) I don't have a license, and tend to be too distracted for me to even consider driving anyways.

2) I can usually only go shopping with my folks on fridays, so I'd probably surpass the 3/5-day limit.

That being said, I usually blind buy anyway, when I have the assurance from fan reaction that a given game is good (or, at least, so bad it's good).
True. Heck, sometimes, he didn't get time to do all of the art.

When you put it that way, I realize he only became famous as he did due to being part of the staff since the start (well, since he joined after MM1's production started)...Well, that, and him convincing Capcom to even consider a sequel.
If it's any indication, he didn't always get involved with Classic MM stories either (he was an object designer according to MM6's credits, for one).
I think the story should be fine, especially since Classic MM didn't rely on deep plots in the first place. Granted, there was the occasional sillyness (Wily's "Mr. X" ploy), but it wasn't too bad.

For the stories in more serious series, that's where we should show concern.
That's true, but we're far from the days when Capcom thought Mega Man wouldn't catch on.

Regardless, we'll have to wait and see.
Well, that's a bit of a convoluted reason, but sure, why not? :\

Then again, this makes me think; After Legends 3 and Universe, what does everyone think Capcom will do next with Mega Man (leaving the franchise to die being out of the question)?

A new series? Another Classic series entry? Or something completely different? The possibilities are numerous...