Mega Man Starbound - Galaxy's Champion

Started by Yoku Man, February 29, 2012, 03:48:30 AM

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I second... or I guess third possibility 2.  Achievements are peezy easy to program in MMF2 if you're just storing it on the player's machine as long as you account for them being in the game before hand.

Yoku Man

Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on March 27, 2012, 06:31:02 AM
Support Staff

Impressive border. Perhaps this can pave the way for more custom made borders. Everyone interested is free to make their own for submission into the game. I'm sure that when the designs for all the Stardroids are finalised, we'll be adding pixel art of them to the borders too.


Just make sure to not add perfectionist (1HP) achievements, and it'll be balanced enough for all gamers. ^^

100% collections or minimalist are fine with me. And random ones, like cameo appearances or series-based joke achievements. XD
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I've changed the MegaMan logo on the top left of the borders. What I did was use the MM9 font, draw the outline, and use a couple of shades in the letters.

It's not much, but it seems to fit the borders right. :)

Yllisos Zanon

I have added the other Hydra option, put it next to mine.  Cause my guy could still be considered a stage enemy, or mid-boss.  Fixed Duo's head, some more.  Plus I have added basic attack patterns for Vega, along with my own border for what ever.
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw



Would it be possible to allow loading a custom border from a file too? Even if a small feature, it can go a long way in terms of player enjoyment. It shouldn't be too hard, with the active picture object, and using the Sub-Frame object over top of that. I hope I got the names of those objects right; it's been forever since I've worked in MMF1.5.


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Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on March 27, 2012, 10:35:07 PM

Would it be possible to allow loading a custom border from a file too? Even if a small feature, it can go a long way in terms of player enjoyment. It shouldn't be too hard, with the active picture object, and using the Sub-Frame object over top of that. I hope I got the names of those objects right; it's been forever since I've worked in MMF1.5.

I haven't had any experience with this. But if someone gave me an example MFA I can look at, I can probably reproduce it. That's not a bad idea, really. :)

- Solid blue border updated to add the 'Mega Man' title on them, with a few additional sprites.
- Fade in & fade out white transitions added to disclaimer screen, title screen, options screen, stage select screen, and game engine frames.


Ha any one recorded Baiis8bit version of Air Man GB stage theme? I can't find it online any more. I was going to use it for the engine. :-/

There's another version of Air Man GB theme in 8bit, but it's not a good as his.

- Air Man stage added to game. (The stage is there, but it's not fully programmed yet. I still need to work on screen transitions, make the demon blocks work correctly, moving cloud platforms and everything.)
- Air Man stage clouds properly in front layer now.


I actually made an 8bit version of Air Man's theme in the file of my game.  While it's not an NSF, I did record the waveforms from dummy NSF files I made that played a single note of each instrument for the IT file.  If you open it with OpenMPT you can modify it to your liking.  It's not a perfect transcription however.  Air Man's theme is sequence #74.  What file format are you using for the music in your game?


Quote from: fifthindependent on March 29, 2012, 11:56:35 AM
I actually made an 8bit version of Air Man's theme in the file of my game.  While it's not an NSF, I did record the waveforms from dummy NSF files I made that played a single note of each instrument for the IT file.  If you open it with OpenMPT you can modify it to your liking.  It's not a perfect transcription however.  Air Man's theme is sequence #74.  What file format are you using for the music in your game?

No...... It's not it either. But thanks though. I think I'm just going ahead and PM xxBaixx (or baiis8bit) himself, since its his remix I'm looking for. ;)

I like to draw... NOT!


That's neat, but why a Doc Robot? As far as I know, the New!Stardroids have nothing to do with Dr. Wily or his skull motif.


It's rather complex, I guess? ^^;

Nice work!

Yoku Man

Its a first draft, theres room for improvement and less detail.

Oh, and theres an easy explanation for why a Doc Robot would show up.... Ra Moon.



Minor update on air man stage:
Red demon head floors are now working correctly. They're not 100% done, but the way they appear in the game is coded.
Just a small note. In the official game they just 'pop up' appear. But in the game engine, I added a semi-transparency fading effect to them. :)

@ RetroRespecter:
For info about Ra Moon.
I think he's some kind of ancient creature in the Super Adventure RockMan game. I'm not entirely sure, I never played those games outside of Japan. I really wished they would bring those games over here though. :-/


Was this the track you was talking about for Airman?

Offtopic: I take it you still sleep with a nightlight?  bVd


Quote from: IQ-0 on March 30, 2012, 06:09:03 AM
Was this the track you was talking about for Airman?

Offtopic: I take it you still sleep with a nightlight?  bVd

That one by Yuu?
Actually..... I have this remix in my media archive. It's probably one of the best rock remixes. I actually thought about using this for a trailer I may do when the game is more developed. :)

Too bad I can't use it in game. It doesn't match the quality of the GB music used in MMIII or MMIV, or MMV. And I'm not going to use the ear [twin slasher] version from the actual game. It needs a definite improvement, just looking for a specific one.   :-/


Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Quote from: Yoku Man on March 30, 2012, 02:56:10 AM
Its a first draft, theres room for improvement and less detail.

Oh, and theres an easy explanation for why a Doc Robot would show up.... Ra Moon.

Hmm, fair enough.

However, as for how Ra Moon even managed to somehow acquire data for designing a similar robot...I'd, er, think you need to think this one all the way through. -u-'

Yoku Man

Quote from: KudosForce on March 30, 2012, 02:02:32 PM
Hmm, fair enough.

However, as for how Ra Moon even managed to somehow acquire data for designing a similar robot...I'd, er, think you need to think this one all the way through. -u-'

In Super Adventure Rockman, Ra Moon copied all the data from Dr Wily's laptop to recreate all his MM2 and MM3 robot masters. Its quite possible he copied Doc Robots data then as well. Well, thats the explanation I'll be using in my fanon. :)

Being a super computer he only needs a microsecond to recreate robots too, he can make them in a flash. Hense why he's a SUPER Computer. Ra Moon would naturally be pissed at his previous defeat by Mega Man, and even more pissed after learning his Stardroids had come looking for him and been defeated by Mega Man as well! So this would be a means to exact revenge by siccing the 8 original stardroids against him again through Doc Robot M - 359.


If that is the case, why not use Ra Moon to recreate the original 8 Stardroids and Terra himself?


Quote from: Yoku Man on March 30, 2012, 02:24:36 PM
In Super Adventure Rockman, Ra Moon copied all the data from Dr Wily's laptop to recreate all his MM2 and MM3 robot masters. Its quite possible he copied Doc Robots data then as well. Well, thats the explanation I'll be using in my fanon. :)

Being a super computer he only needs a microsecond to recreate robots too, he can make them in a flash. Hense why he's a SUPER Computer. Ra Moon would naturally be pissed at his previous defeat by Mega Man, and even more pissed after learning his Stardroids had come looking for him and been defeated by Mega Man as well! So this would be a means to exact revenge by siccing the 8 original stardroids against him again through Doc Robot M - 359.

Ahh, I see. That seems sensible enough (although using SAR's events means that people died in this continuity, [spoiler]i.e. military transportation having been blown up[/spoiler] which I find rather dubious '>.>).

In that case, i'll be looking forward to see how the boss fight goes.

Quote from: RetroRespecter on March 30, 2012, 04:08:51 PM
If that is the case, why not use Ra Moon to recreate the original 8 Stardroids and Terra himself?

Simple, really; Considering that the original Stardroids have failed already, it's likely Ra Moon now considers them too ineffective to stop Mega Man on their own.


I thought the Doc robot up above was a combination of sorts of some of the original Stardroids + Doc robot.  I was thinking this sort of contradicts creating a Doc robot though because Doc robot failed 8 different times so why would an amalgam Doc robot of failures fare any better?  Also, while I like the design a lot, Doc robot wouldn't need parts of other robot masters to copy them as was seen in Mega Man 3, unless this one is a different version or something.

I could be wrong with all that, but those are just my thoughts.

Yoku Man

Now that most of the main character sprites have been done, I'm heading back to researching the potential storyline of my fangame. I've created a new heading in the first post called "Relevant Story Points", where I explore the previous Mega Man games that have made reference to anything related to outerspace, and the hinted alien influences that dwell in this vastly unexplored territory of Mega Man Canon.

There are a surprising amount of references in the games that hint at alien civilizations, hidden foes, ancient artifacts, all that have the potential at expanding the Mega Man Universe as a whole and I want my fangame to explore that potential aspect and combine all that we've discovered so far into one coherant plot.

Check out the first post, I'll be updating it regularly as I research more of the games and their references to outerspace characters and themes. Feel free to help too if I miss any plot points from other games that may have relevance to this fangame.