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Messages - Trang

Another Mythos (hopefully new)... Don't know the source.

Can someone please upload a compilation of Zero Mythos style please?
I like the designs so far... I just didn't like very much the fact that they put together old artworks in different styles (that pic with Sigma, chameleon dude from X1 and others)... Anyway, I think playing as a copy-chipped Reploid sounds very cool, this time you're not the cool dude anymore. Hope the gameplay is good enough to make me play it.
Whoever doesn't fall in love for this badass Mythos Zero raise his hand.

Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
June 24, 2010, 04:47:56 PM
I'd like to request all possible arts of Mega and Blues as depicted on those weird box arts (like MM9 and MM10)... You know, the weird helmet, adult looking, yellow-shielded Blues and so on.

Thank you.
Quote from: NSFW on June 16, 2010, 05:48:45 PM

Legend reborn, by Guiltism.

I'm crying blood tears of awesomeness.

Badass Zero from Mythos... Don't know the source.

Where can I find amazing ultra cool looking God-like Mythos artwork of Zero???

New Sigehiro stuff... If anyone could identify what is what I'd appreciate.
X feet should be pointing up while airborne.
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
October 22, 2009, 10:16:30 PM
Question: is there any update on that Megaman 2.5 (I think this is the name)?
Quote from: RMX on August 16, 2009, 12:15:53 AM
This is what happens when you are a lazy [tornado fang] like me and don't sprite at all even though you are home doing nothing



#1. I love how until Zero series no one really gave a damn about teleporting consistence. Everyone just popped in and out whenever they wanted and conveniently appeared at a reasonable distance from the boss room.
#2. Yet personal trans servers are not mentioned until you visit Ourobockle's stage, which apparently are only given to relevant characters.
#3. There is not much to see in this stage (except those reactors) so I just threw Zero at the end of the stage, which doesn't make much of a difference since half of the stage is that same room cloned four times.
#4. What? I just thought a Golem with speakers was cool.
#5. This is not a discussion about toilets for robots.
I think you should post the disclaimers within the strip so that everyone reads it... They are fun.
Great! Just don't let the damn thread go to page 2... Give us MOAR!

By the way...
Quote from: RMX on July 09, 2009, 08:28:04 PMI can be more productive if I'm working under some pressure, like random people necroposting my thread.
One day I'll be famous and you'll regret calling me random people.

C'mon dude, give us more strips!
LoL what's that?
So... No ZX? No Megaman?
Sorry for asking but what happened in E3?? Wasn't it to happen june 2nd?
Holy mother of God, the coolest chibis EVER!

(do you know what's that green/golden/black thing by Vent's side?)
Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
April 25, 2009, 10:25:55 PM
THank you, Rock Miyabi.
Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
April 24, 2009, 03:35:57 AM
Thank you very much for the repost...
BTW, I got two more requests: Kai (Turboman OP) and Mary (Ring OP) from MMBNBCC.

THose scans came from a "Complete EXE Works"?
Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
April 24, 2009, 02:10:35 AM
Battle Network request: Bass Cross and Sol Cross (that Django dude from GunDelSol game).

THank you.
Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
April 09, 2009, 06:22:00 PM
Is the artwork used here around?
I couldn't find it on that R20 scans, Rock Miyabi...
Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
April 06, 2009, 11:33:08 PM
I meant artwork, yes.
I do have that page, I was wondering if there aren't more, though... No MM&Bass or MM8 images of him?
Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
April 06, 2009, 04:34:45 AM
I'll re-request the "Bass-Using-Treble-Boost" artwork I asked before...

If that can't be found, I have a new request:
Those Model Ox pictures of Vent and Aile I can't find around...

Thank you.