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Messages - Darkflamewolf

Ver 1.4 is out! Thanks for all the patience and stuff during this time while we fixed a crapton of bugs and offered you D-Pad support. Finally! No more sliding woes for those who were stuck utilizing joysticks! We also addressed the issue of having the Mega Buster not blast through weak enemies as well as increase the speed of Rush Jet slightly to make it more speed runner savvy. There is a bunch more we did but you can check out the dev log for that on the download page (! This 'should' be the final, definitive version of the game file now!
As for the biggest addition: Hard mode! It is truly sadistic with an increased amount of enemies all placed in the wrong spots to completely screw you. Not to mention you take double damage from everything! So upgrades like the Recover Chip, EX Recover and others will suddenly become quite important to you. I know it can be beaten buster only because I've done it. But I don't think it can be beaten without taking a hit. Good luck to anyone who attempts that challenge!
Enjoy the game again everyone and for those who have yet to play it, enjoy it for the first time!
Fan Games / Re: SuperDanny Powered Up
December 10, 2014, 10:38:25 PM
Awesome work! When are we going to see a director's cut version of Super Danny 2 now?  >0<
Version 1.3 is released!
This is the definitive version of the game now. Barring any other bugs that might crop up, for which we'll release minor updates for, there should be no more drastic changes to the game, levels or its difficulty. You either need to adapt or quit, your choice. I tried to smooth out all the rough patches, but I'm holding firm to my overall difficulty setting.

Finally, in this version, I've released all the maps of the game in all their uncompressed glory. So for those who like to scour over the maps to find every detail and/or secret, you can do so here. I've also included all the completed rooms of the scrapped 100 Room Challenge idea. Unless there is enough interest for the feature, I don't think we'll complete it, but at least see what it could have been! Crazy combinations of obstacles and ideas meant to tax your platforming skills to the limit!

Either way, redownload and enjoy the game anew or for the very first time!

Thanks for the review, honest and objective with full of constructive critiques. That's exactly what I'm looking for. We are taking into account some of those tough areas/spots you pointed out and ver 1.3 will smooth out a lot of those areas. We already slowed down the deluge of spears from Yamato Man, so no reason why we can't slow down Tornado Blows from Tornado Man and the spinning of Punk's attacks. Again, thanks for the bug list and we'll see if we can get these fixed for 1.3!

Note: As for the Wily castle, I deliberately chose to have it this way. Reason: because so much of the game design revolves around backtracking and players getting that '100%' item collection, it would be cruel if they mistakenly (or knowingly?) selected the Wily Castle and then later found out they couldn't leave to get some much needed upgrades to make the castle easier because they were stuck at some boss or level. So I chose to have it be done in one fell swoop, as a result, the levels of the wily castle are FAR shorter than the primary robot master levels, and with good reason too! I can typically complete the Wily Fortress within a half hour tops.
Ver 1.2 is out! Alongside a nice collection of fixed bugs! I also altered quite a few level design aspects which should appease those players who cried foul on the unfair aspects of certain design decisions! Hopefully this plays a lot smoother! Thanks everyone for the help on fine tuning this beast! It still is difficult and will require practice and skill to beat however!
well, my post is awaiting approval at cutstuff forums at, but I'll say here what I said over there. The great thing about fangames is that they are fluid. I can't change the core mechanics of the game, but what I can do are these things quickly:
I can modify/edit placement of platforms and obstacles (including spikes).
I can modify/edit placement of enemies.
I can do limited editing (since I'm not the programmer and after release he's taking a well earned vacation) of enemies and/or bosses to make them easier if I must.
Given those limitations on editing, I put it to you, the actual players who are looking for an awesome fangame. What would you like to see change to make it better/great/tolerable? I'm open to criticism as I've shown here and I'm willing to check out any laundry lists given and make a 1.2 release at some point in the near future with some difficulty nerfs if need be. What say you all? Or should I keep it the same and cater it to hardcore extremist megaman fans?
Okay, not sure which OS system you are operating on, but it has been tested Windows 7 on downward. We haven't looked into Windows 8 or 10 compatibility yet. So that bug is quite unknown to me in your screenshot. As for the saving function, its done automatically after you exit a stage, either by the exit unit, or beating the boss or simply losing all your lives; the game is saved for you by the system. No need to worry about that.
I agree that this game is probably not for everyone. But trust me, it was a lot worse before testers got their hands on it. They basically castrated the original punishing difficulty it used to have and I think its a lot better for it. So kudos to the testers to playing it over and over until they had no more complaints about it. I even had three separate groups of testers so I could keep getting fresh inputs on the level design and each group continued to whittle it down until it is the form you see today. But I'll admit that the game focuses more heavily on the 'platforming' aspect of the Megaman series than the shooting aspect, but that was my own personal design choice. There will probably be an audience out there for this specific style of Megaman gameplay; I'm sad to hear you aren't one of them, but I respect your opinion.
It seems every new Megaman game (fan game or not) tends to initially come out as unfair. I remember scathing reviews for Mega Man 9 due to its blistering difficulty and sometimes unfair level design. Much like what is being discussed here. Opinions have softened over time, however that still doesn't change the divisive split between hardcore fans of Mega Man 9 and haters of the game. You can't please everyone, even with games of the official franchise. lol
As for the 'random' spikes at the start of Tornado Man's stage, its there for a reason. It forces the player to use an item or upgrade to get past them to get a point ball item off to the left on the ledge behind the cloud. I didn't really want people getting it right away without something first. Glad it struck you as odd, it should, since it was protecting something to the left. Something minor, yes, but something.

EDIT: There is also easy mode for you if you'd like. :) 8)
Fan Games / Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen Release Thread
November 27, 2014, 02:45:48 PM
It have been 6 years in the making (since 2008!) but Jman and I (Yes, THAT Jman) have been working on and off together on a Megaman game. Granted, it doesn't have any new graphics (or very little) and no new music, but that's because at the early stage of production where we could have used spriters and/or musician, nobody was willing to help us. It wasn't until the last few years of production that got offers, but by then, it was already past the point of no return. History of the project aside, this is one of my most ambitious games yet and will feature all these things:

- 20 challenging platforming levels

- 10 devious robot masters (11 if you count the hidden boss)

- 21 tank pieces to find

- 3 Rush upgrades

- 7 chip upgrades

- Brutal Boss Rush mode

- Scoring system (ala Mega Man 1) that rewards you the better you do

- Easy Mode for those who hate challenges

Released Date Nov 27, 2014, download it here:

Pre-Launch Trailer:


I know levels in my game Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen can get pretty big in scope and have multiple paths through each level, but nothing compares to the level you've set with Elec man's stage. Is this how they are all going to be? I'd caution making levels too big without proper checkpoints both temporary and permanent so players don't get too frustrated by starting all over at the start after dying at the boss. It'd be heartbreaking after a level of that size. Also, be sure you can keep up the gimmicks and refreshing gameplay for every route, or everything will start to seem a bit 'same-old' across the map. Just tips on this ambitious endeavor.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man: Infamous Intent (MM:IFI)
November 23, 2014, 05:26:22 AM
Scythe Man
Grave Man
Death Man (Oh wait...there is already one of those in a fangame)
Necron Man
Thought I'd come in and hit up the question as to the status of Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen. Due date: Thanksgiving. The game is done, fully finished, fully playable. But we're giving ourselves another week to play through and make sure EVERYTHING is ironed out first.
Here's the latest trailer:
Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen Pre-Launch Trailer
Fan Games / Re: Fan Game Statuses
November 23, 2014, 05:19:28 AM
Update on Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen. Its basically good to go. We're just giving ourselves another week of playtesting JUST TO BE SURE all bugs are ironed out. But its fully finished and fully playable. Release date this coming week! Look to this new trailer for details!
Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen Pre-Launch Trailer
Fan Games / Re: Fan Game Statuses
December 02, 2013, 01:28:24 AM
Yes, it was planned to have new robot masters, but as it stands, it is a bit late for that now. Regardless, I think I switched up the robot master's AI patterns so that feel fresh and new again. So facing off against old robot masters won't be the same like last time. So Toad Man....isn't really a push over anymore. Is he Minus Infinity crazy? Probably not, but he at least puts up a fair fight now at least.

Posted on: October 16, 2013, 08:24:35 PM
Going to post an update here on "Revenge of the Fallen," Due to real life constraints and happenings, I am sad to say the original release date of Dec 2013 isn't going to happen. So we're taking the time to finish up what we have left to do, deal with our real life issues, and hopefully polish it up some and expecting an early 2014 release. No month or date pinned down yet.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man 42 - Released!
December 02, 2013, 01:26:35 AM
Wow, this is completely unplayable, even in 1.1. The game won't recognize basic default keyboard commands, even if I try mapping Joy2Key. I tried configuring them myself using the option menu only to get them all to appear as '1Key' instead. Now it simply won't respond to anything at all at the title screen. So until this gets fixed, sad to say, its getting trashed. Sorry.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man: Rock Force
October 16, 2013, 04:10:30 PM
I was pleasantly surprised by this little gem of a fan game. Fan games in general are getting better every year.
Fan Games / Re: Fan Game Statuses
October 16, 2013, 02:32:25 PM
Well, since I mentioned the game, I might as well pop the official trailer link in here as well:
Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen - Official Trailer
Deciding not to make an official thread for this yet since it is not finished. But hopefully it'll generate some interest. As for the obvious question: "What? No custom art, robot masters?!" Well, at the time of creation, we asked around for good sprite artists to help us, but no one was interested. So now, towards the end of production, people are willing to help us and now we're like: "We could have used that help 3 years ago when things weren't set in stone as they are now." So...I made do with the resources available, and actually centered the story around that fact actually. So it all worked out in the end.
Fan Games / Re: Fan Game Statuses
September 23, 2013, 03:06:59 AM
Welp, I can honestly say that Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen is slated to be for a December 2013 release. Hopefully before Dec 17 which would put it still within the 25th anniversary of Mega Man!  owob